
Unit 6 I'm watching TV. 语法复习课件+嵌入音视频 (共22张PPT)2023-2024学年人教版七年级英语下册

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:97次 大小:55393060Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) I am sitting here in a boring room, It's just another rainy Sunday afternoon, I'm wasting my time I got nothing to do, I'm hanging around I'm waiting for you. But nothing ever happens and I wonder. I'm driving around in my car, I'm driving too fast I'm driving too far, I'd like to change my point of view, I feel so lonely I'm waiting for you, But nothing ever happens and I wonder. I wonder how I wonder why yesterday you told me about blue blue sky; and all that I can see is just a yellow lemon tree, I'm turning my head up and down I'm turning turning turning turning turning around and all that I can see is just another lemon tree. say,dalada,diladada... da ,da la da la, de la da, I'm sitting here I miss the power, I'd like to go out taking a shower, but there's a heavy cloud inside my head, I feel so tired put myself into bed, but nothing ever happens and I wonder. Present Progressive Tense Unit 6 I’m watching TV Present Progressive Tense Unit 6 I’m watching TV 学习目标: 1.能够初步感知并总结归纳现在进行时结构,正确运用现在进行时谈论自己或他人正在做的事情 What are you doing -I’m watching TV. What is she/he doing -She/He is reading books. What are they doing -They are shopping. 2.能够通过描述校园生活正在发生的事情来发现校园生活的快乐幸福之处 学习重难点:区分主语与be动词的搭配,以及动词+ing时的变化规律 Lead in A new student is visiting our school ! Mrs.Tang is showing her around. Mrs. Tang: Hey Amy! What are you doing Amy: Hello, Mrs. Tang! We are having classes. What are you doing now Mrs. Tang: I am walking around school. I am showing this new student around our school! You can see it with us together! A good news! She _____ around school She _____Linda around our school. What is Mrs. Tang doing Let’s visit our school with them. Lead in is walking is showing Presentation On the playground: Mrs. Tang:Linda, look! They are running! Linda: That’s so cool! Oh! What are they doing Mrs. Tang: Let’s see. Oh,they are flying their model planes. Linda: Wow, students here are happy because they can do what they like. They ____ _____. What are they doing They ____ _ _____ their model planes. are running are flying Transition Why students are happy Because _____ what they like. they can do Let’s visit our teaching building(教学楼). Presentation In the classroom: Mrs. Tang:Linda, this is our teaching building. It’s break time now. Linda: What is he doing Mrs. Tang: He is reading a story book. Linda: What is he doing Mrs. Tang: He is using the iPad. Linda: What is she doing Mrs. Tang:She is practicing English. Linda: What is she doing Mrs. Tang: She is drawing. Linda: Wow, students here are happy because they have colorful activities at break time. He ___ ____ a story book. What is he/she doing He ___ _____ the iPad. She ___ _____ English. She ___ _____. is reading is using is practicing is drawing Transition Why students are happy Because _____ at break time. they have colorful activitie ... ...

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