
北师大版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 5 Humans and nature Lesson 2 Professional Rescue Team课件(共18张PPT)

日期:2024-06-23 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:29次 大小:7567312Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Lesson 2 Professional Rescue UNIT 5 HUMANS AND NATURE By the end of this period, you will be able to: read and talk about professional rescue teams; listen for understanding; listen for main ideas and details; maintain, interrupt and end a conversation. 1. Use the following phrases to describe what is happening in each photo. a drought an earthquake a flood a forest fire a landslide a storm a volcanic eruption a hurricane Activity 1: Active and share 2. Match the photos (a-d) with the descriptions (1-4) ( ) 1. Search and rescue vehicles are brought into destroyed areas. ( ) 2. Trained dogs are used to help search for anyone who is still alive. ( ) 3. Rescue teams try to save people trapped under buildings. ( ) 4. Many houses are destroyed by the terrible flood. b d c a 扫清听力障碍 1.landslide 2.measure 3. professional rescue 4.operation 5.overseas 6.attempt 滑坡;塌方 估量,衡量;测量 专业营救/救援 行动,活动 在海外,在外国 努力;尝试;企图 7.vehicle 8.battle 9.interrupt 10.stay away from 11.breathe 12.run out of 交通工具,车辆 斗争;战争 打断讲话 远离 呼吸 用完 Listen for understanding. Listen for Main Ideas and Details Main ideas are the key points of a presentation or a talk. They are supported by details. When you listen, pay close attention to the statement that is emphasised by the speaker (usually at the beginning and end of the talk). This is often the main idea. Listen carefully for key words, phrases and ideas that are repeated. These will confirm the main idea. Now listen for specific information that supports the main ideas, e.g. examples, causes, reasons, facts and descriptions. These are the details. Skill Builder Activity 2: Listen to the first part of the interview. Answer the questions. 1. What is the interview about 2. Who is the interviewee 3. Which two disasters are mentioned It is about what _____ do when a natural disaster happens. professional rescue teams Mr Wang, who is from China International Search and Rescue Team. the Wenchuan earthquake, the Nepal earthquake Activity 3: Listen again. Complete the sentences. Then decide if the sentences contain a main idea (MI) about rescue attempts or a detail (D). Write the correct letter in the brackets. 1. Our first and most important goal is to _____. ( ) 2. We use _____ vehicles and _____ to look for anyone who is still alive. ( ) 3. In a rescue attempt during the Nepal earthquake: Over _____ members and ____ dogs took part, and we were there for _____ days. ( ) We rescued _____ people and provided medical help to over _____ people. ( ) 4. It’s our duty to try to reduce _____ and _____. ( ) save lives MI search and rescue trained dogs D sixty six twelve D two 2,000 D suffering the loss of life MI Activity 4: Pair Work Work out four questions you may ask according to the information you heard in Activity 2. Then ask and answer the questions. 1. What is the most important goal of search and rescue attempts 2. How d ... ...

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