
北师版(2019)必修第二册Unit6The admirable Lesson 2 History Makers 课件(共20张PPT)

日期:2024-06-07 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:13次 大小:17302769Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) UNIT 6 THE ADMIRABLE Lesson 2 History Makers By the end of the period, you will be able to: discuss facts and admirable qualities about Gandhi and Martin Luther Kin; 2. listen to a dialogue about Martin Luther King and put events in order; 3. listen for expressions on certainty / uncertainty. 1. equal rights 2.racial discrimination 3.unfairly 4.what a shame! 5.protest 6.justice 平等的权力 种族歧视 adv.不公平地 真遗憾! n.抗议;反对 n.正义 扫清听力障碍 7.behind bars 8.self-evident 9.march 10.impressive 11.figure 12.independence 在牢里 adj.显而易见的 n.示威游行,抗议游行 adj.令人钦佩的,给人印象深刻的 n.人物 n.独立 What do you know about Gandhi and Martin Luther King Pick out the right information for each of them. Write G for Gandhi and K for King. Activate and Share ( ) 1 He fought to win equal rights for black people in the US. ( ) 2 He led his country to independence from British rule. ( ) 3 He organised peaceful protests. ( ) 4 He suffered racial discrimination in South Africa. ( ) 5 He gave a famous and inspiring speech with the words “I have a dream”. ( ) 6 He was put behind bars many times. ( ) 7 He inspired people around the world to fight for equal rights and justice. ( ) 8 He won the Nobel Peace Prize. K G K/G K/G K K/G K/G K Listen for understanding. Understanding Sequencing Sequencing is the order in which things happen. When listening, pay attention to words related to order and sequence, e.g. first, after, the next year, later, in the end. Make a note of any specific dates or time expressions, e.g. today, January, in 1995. Skill Builder Activity 1: Read the sentences about Martin Luther King. Listen to the discussion and add the year for each event. Then order them. He ①____ ② ____ ③ ____ ④ ____ ⑤ ____ a organised a march to Washington, D.C. _____ b organised a bus protest to help black people win the right to sit next to white people on buses. _____ c was killed. _____ d had to give up his seat to two white people on a bus because he was black. _____ e received the Nobel Peace Prize. _____ d 1963 1955 1968 1943 1964 b a e c What did he suffer He suffered_____. What did he do He organized_____ _____. He helped black people_____ _____. What did he achieve He received _____. He inspired people around the world_____. Activity 2: Listen again. Complete the answers to the questions about Martin Luther King. racial discrimination a bus protest, many peaceful protests, a march to Washington D.C. and made a speech win the right to sit next to white people on buses the Nobel Peace Prize to fight for equal rights and justice I: Yes, that’s a really _____ speech! For example, “I have a dream that one day ... We hold _____ to be self-evident: that all men are created _____... I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not _____ by the colour of their skin but by the content of their _____...” famous and inspiring these truth ... ...

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