
人教版英语八年级下册Unit 3 Could you please clean your room? Section B 3a~Self Check 课件 (共32张PPT)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:59次 大小:47598392Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit3 Could you please clean your room SectionB 3a-Self Check 01 02 03 04 语言能力 思维品质 文化意识 学习能力 复习本单元的重点词组。 学会表达观点的短语。 有分担家务的正确意识,增强家庭责任感。 能与小组成员合作讨论,发表观点并且给出理由,培养批判性思维。 学会写议论文。 能使用本单元所学的相关知识和正确的文体写一封信,表达自己对做家务的观点和想法。 Language goals Revision Ms Miller thinks it is a _____of their time for kids to do chores. Kids these days already have enough _____ from school. They should _____ their time on schoolwork_____ get good grades and get into a good university. It is the parents job__ _____ a clean and comfortable environment at home ____ their children. When they get older, they will have to do housework.So there's ____ ____ for them to do it now. waste stress spend in order to to provide for no need Mr. Smith_____with Miller.He thinks it's not enough to just get good grades at school.Children these days _____ _____their parents too much.Doing chores helps to _____ childrens' independence and teaches them to understand the ideas of fairness.His neighbor's son had no idea how __ _____ ____ __ himself during his first college year. As a result, he often fell ill and his grades dropped._____ _____ kids learn to be independent,____ _____ it is for their future. So it is important for children to learn how to do chores. disagrees depend on develop to take care of The earlier the better What are they doing What are they doing doing/washing the dishes What are they doing What are they doing hanging the clothes Sharp eyes do the dishes wash my clothes sweep the floor make my bed take out the rubbish fold my clothes clean the living room go to the store use my CD player borrow some money invite my friends to a party buy some drinks and snacks housework/chores Play a game! (短语积累) Lead-in provide sth. for sb. in order to do sth depend on do one’s part have no idea a waste of one’s time take care of/look after develop one’s independence 为了做某事 照顾 尽自己的职责做某事 浪费时间 为某人提供某物 不知道 提高自立能力 依靠;依赖 Play a game! (短语积累) Do you think children should do some chores at home Why or why not Discuss this with a partner and take notes. Think and discuss 3a Children should do chores because… Children should not do chores because… Just getting good grades at school is not enough. Kids get enough stress from study. 3a Dear Sir or Madam, I think/believe that _____. I agree/disagree that_____. I think it is fair/unfair for children to_____. I think children should/should not_____ because _____. For example, they should/should not _____ because _____. Yours truly, _____ Write a letter to the Sunday Mail and express your opinion. 3b 1. Kids these days already have _____(足够的压力)from school. 2. Housework is _____(浪费时间)their time. 3. They should spend time on schoolwork _____(为了)get good grades. 4. _____(没有必要)for them to do it ... ...

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