

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:60次 大小:17423Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2024年中考英语三轮复习学案 单项选择高频考点名词专题练习 中考考察名词,主要考查名词词意辨析及名词固定搭配,名词的数,名词所有格几方面内容。就中考而言,单项选择重点考查名词的词意辨析(包括易混词词意辨析)及固定搭配。 名词的数需要掌握住: 1.可数名词 (1).可数名词单数 (2).可数名词复数 (3).单数变为复数的规则和不规则变化 (4).既可以当名词单数也可以当名词复数的名词 (5).常见及易错可数名词的修饰语及用法 2.不可数名词 (1).常见的不可数名词 (2).常见不可数名词的修饰语 3.既可数也不可数的名词 名词的格需要掌握住: (1).-'s (2).-s' (3).A's and B's fathers (4).A and B's father (5).A of B 这里对于语法知识不作具体展开。只带领同学们熟悉掌握中考典型题目。 练习: 【1】 —River dolphins(豚)that we haven't seen for years appear in the Yangtze River. —I think it's the of 10-year fish ban(禁令).It really works. A. result B. relief C. regret D. resolution 【2】 China is making to help more developing countries fight COVID-19. A. a decision B. a mess C. an effort D. a mistake 【3】 —How do you improve your English —I often talk with the persons whose mother language is English. A. population B. transportation C. pronunciation D. suggestion 【4】 —What’s your brother’s —It's about 1.75 meters. He's the tallest in his class. A. age B. address C. weight D. height 【5】 —She is leaving to take part in the final poem competition. —I’m proud of her. I wish her a great . A. speed B. method C. pressure D. success 【6】 —Mom. I’m thirteen now, Can I ride a bike to school —Yes, you can. But you must follow the traffic on the way. A. rules B. plans C. safety D. accident 【7】 —What’s your to English learning Lin Tao —I think watching English movies is helpful. A. place B. age C. time D. secret 【8】 —Look! So many colorful bicycles in two lines over there. —They’re for public. This of green smart traffic is everywhere in Xiangyang city. A. number B. pair C. kind D. piece 【9】 —Mum, I have a bad headache. I feel terrible. —Oh,dear! You must get a cold.You’d better see after breakfast. A. a violinist B. a doctor C. a policeman D. an engineer 【10】 —What are you going to do when you grow up —My is to become an astronaut. A. hobby B. dream C. job D. advice 【11】 —I plan to go out for a bicycle trip to Longzhong. But I am afraid I don’t know the . —A map is helpful, I think. A. time B. way C. weather D. place 【12】 —What does your father do, lily —He is . His job is to make sure that drivers obey the traffic rules. A. an actor B. a policeman C. a waiter D. a reporter 【13】 —I hear you are not allowed to eat in class. —Right. It’s one of the in our school. A. plans B. orders C. rules D. suggestions 【14】 —What's your job,Henry —I‘m a .I work late. I'm very busy when people go out to dinners. A.waiter B.reporter C.teacher D.nurse 答案与解析: 【1】A 考察名词词意辨析。A.result结果;B.relief宽慰;C.regret后悔,遗憾;D.resolution决心,决定。句意:我认为这是10年禁钓的结果。禁令真的有效! 【2】C 考察名词固定搭配。“make an effort to do sth. 努力做某事”。A.a decision决 ... ...

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