
外研版八年级下册Module 5 Cartoons Unit 2 课件(共21张PPT,内嵌音频)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:31次 大小:2888664Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Module5 Cartoons Tintin has been popular for over eighty years 第二课时 Learning objectives 通过学习知识点(both of...; expect to ; find +宾语+宾补等),(学习理解)辅以造句,灵活运用重点句型完成练习;(应用与实践) 借助表格,准确并流利介绍文章中的卡通人物;总结提炼介绍卡通人物的篇章结构。(应用与实践) 仿照文章结构写一篇cartoon heroes的短文,并评价自己和他人的文章内容。(迁移创新) 总分44分 我的总分 我的等级 (_____) Learning after reading(20分) A等(Excellent!):35-44分 B等(Good!):20-34分 C等(Work harder!):0-19分 Retelling(8分) mind-map(3分) Writing(12分) Evaluation Scale 1. But both of them have won the hearts of young people. 但是他们都赢得了年轻人的心。 both of+复数名词/代词 作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式 both A and B A和 B 两个都作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。 . 他俩都坚持与坏人作斗争。(1分) Both of them keep fighting bad people. . 蜘蛛侠和超人都是我最喜欢的卡通主角。(1分) Both Spiderman and superman are my favourite cartoon heroes. . 用Both造句(2分) But both of them have won the hearts of young people. 我的得分 cartoon The monkey king Snoopy[ snu pi] personality appearance: is brave, clever and humorous. /'hju:m r s / is a cute dog life events He leads a group of monkeys against the Emperor [ emp r (r)] of Heaven [ hevn] and his men. The monkey King makes a terrible mess in Heaven. He lives in his own private /'pra v t/world and finds real life hard to understand. popularity [ p pj l r t ]受欢迎程度 Parents and children always expect / k'spekt/ to see more Monkey King cartoons. He celebrated [ sel bre t d] his sixtieth birthday in 2010. Snoopy satifies [ s t s fa z] older people as well as children. 性格[ p s n l t ] [ p r ns]外貌 Interview the favourite cartoon of your group. C: Which cartoon hero do you like D: We like _____. C: What does it look like / What is it like D:_____. C: What does it do A:_____. C: Do you think it is popular How do you know that he is popular B: Yes, it is popular. Because_____. 我的得分 Draw a mind-map of Cartoon Heroes. (The more details, the better.) 评价内容 1或0 我能写出描写动画人物的要素。 我能根据所学找出文中介绍要素的重点短词或短语。 我所画的思维导图一目了然、逻辑清晰。 我的得分 name/character appearance ugly, orange-and-white personality 性格[ p s n l t ] brave, humorous, clever, adventurous[ d vent r s]爱冒险的 life events/ ability fight bad people; protect; lead...against feelings find it +adj. to do sth popularity [ p pj l r t ] 受欢迎程度 have been popular... have won the hearts of expect to do... ...... Boonie ['bu n z] Bears Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf Writing: Choose a cartoon hero and introduce him to us. Nezha 评价指标 自评 他评 改进建议 短文是否涵盖动画至少五方面内容? 短文是否有清晰的开头和结尾? 短文是否使用了恰当的句型和丰富的词语? 短文的拼写、语法和标点是否正确? 短文书写是否工整,基本无勾画? 短文是否逻辑合理,观点一致? 每条达成得2分,满分12分 10=Excellent 8=Good 6=Acceptable 4= Needs Improvement 总分44分 我的总分 我 ... ...

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