
外研版八年级下册Module 5 Cartoons Unit 2 课件(共29张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:12次 大小:9634598Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Warm up-Let’s have a chant. 动词原形 - 过去式 - 过去分词 be - was – been 是 draw - drew - drawn 画 win - won – won 赢 make - made – made 制造 buy - bought - bought 买 find - found - found 发现 invent – invented – invented 发明 Module 5 Cartoons Unit 2 Tintin has been popular for over eighty years. 第二课时 1.借助思维导图,准确并流利复述文章内容; 2.通过学习知识点(win the hearts of sb.,等); 辅以造句,灵活运用重点句型完成练习; 3.根据所学内容以及给出的信息卡,能够仿照文章结构写一篇My favourite cartoon的作文,并向卡通英雄们学习敢于斗争,永不言弃的精神。 Learning aims By the end of the class, you will be able to... 总分(58分) 我的总分 我的等级( ) Retelling(10分) A等(Excellent):41-58分 B等(Good):20-40分 C等(Work harder):0-19分 Learning after reading(17分) Reading(10分) Writing(15分) Evaluation Scale Retell Tips: 根据思维导图和图片复述文章,梳理出作者如何描述卡通英雄的,主要从5个方面(appearance(外表),personality(个性),experience,influence(影响), popularity(流行))。 评价标准 我的得分 1.能准确、流利复述得10分 2.能基本准确,比较流利复述得6分 3.复述有困难,只能复述个别单词得2分 [ nfl ns] [ p pju l r ti] popularity [ p r ns] [ p s n l t ] Cartoon heroes Shrek Nemo the Monkey King Tintin Snoopy appearance & personality influence popularity appearance(外表)personality(个性) influence(影响) popularity(流行) Shrek is _____. Nemo is _____ _____. Both of them _____ _____young people all over the world. The pictures of these popular cartoon heroes are _____. personality influence popularity experience The Monkey King is _____. He _____a group of monkey _____ the Emperor of Heaven and his men. Parents and children _____as the Monkey King _____. They always expect to _____. appearance influence experience Tintin has _____and a small white dog. He works for _____and has lots of _____. He has been _____ . Fans have _____ _____of Tintin’s stories in more than fifty languages. personality influence experience Snoopy is a _____. He lives in _____and finds real life_____. Charles Schulz created _____, and drew the cartoons to _____ _____ children. [ nfl ns] [ p pju l r ti] popularity [ p r ns] [ p s n l t ] Cartoon heroes Shrek Nemo the Monkey King Tintin Snoopy appearance & personality influence popularity appearance(外表)personality(个性) influence(影响) popularity(流行) Shrek is an ugly green man. Nemo is a cute orange-and-white fish. Both of them have won the hearts of young people all over the world. The pictures of these popular cartoon heroes are everywhere. personality influence popularity experience The Monkey King is brave, clever and humorous. He leads a group of monkey against the Emperor of Heaven and his men. Parents and children laugh together as the Monkey King makes a terrible in heaven. They always expect to see more Monkey King cartoons. appearance influence experience Tintin has red hair and a small white dog. He works for a newspaper and has lots of ... ...

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