
Unit 2 My family Part A Let’s talk 课件(共26张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:11次 大小:25777147Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 2 My family Part A Let’s talk 通过本课时学习,学生能够: 中 Teaching aims 在情境中理解对话大意,运用正确的语音语调朗读对话;在语境中理解有关家庭成员的词汇,在情境中运用核心语言来谈论家庭人员。(学习理解) 分角色表演对话,创新新情境,续编对话,运用重点句型谈论家庭成员。(应用实践) 能够在情境中积极主动地询问和认识朋友的家人,也能积极主动地向朋友介绍自己的家人。(应用实践) 能够让学生形成热爱家庭、关爱家人的积极情感。(迁移创新) 通过本课时学习,学生能够: 1 2 3 4 热身导入 Wu Binbin has a big family. Let’s have a look. 中 Let’s Sing 热身导入 I love my family 热身导入 He’s my father. 中 Look and say Who’s that man grandmother (grandma) grandmother (grandma) grandfather (grandpa) grandfather (grandpa) father (dad) father (dad) mother (mum) mother (mum) He’s/She’s my ... Who’s that man/woman 学习理解 中 Look and say Amy is a new classmate. It’s Sunday today. Amy is going to visit Chen Jie. Amy is a new classmate. It’s Sunday today. Amy is going to visit Chen Jie. 学习理解 中 Look and say Welcome! Sit down, please! Thank you. 学习理解 中 Look and guess Who’s that man 中 Listen and tick A. Chen Jie’s father. B. Chen Jie’s uncle. C. Chen Jie’s grandfather. Who’s that man He’s my father. 学习理解 How will Chen Jie introduce Amy to Dad Who’s that man He’s my father. 中 Look and guess Hi, Dad. _____. 学习理解 中 Listen and fill 学习理解 Nice to meet you. Hi, Dad. _____. This is my friend, Amy Nice to meet you, too. Who’s that man He’s my father. 中 Listen and read Nice to meet you. Hi, Dad. This is my friend, Amy. Nice to meet you, too. 学习理解 中 Role-play 1. 语音准确 ★★★ 2. 语调优美 ★★★ 3. 语言流畅 ★★★ 4. 表演生动 ★★★ Tips: 应用实践 Continue the conversation in pairs. Who’s that man He’s my father. Nice to meet you. Hi, Dad. This is my friend, Amy. Nice to meet you,too. 中 Make a new dialogue 应用实践 _____. _____ 应用实践 Continue the conversation in pairs. 中 Make a new dialogue _____. Where are you from 应用实践 I’m from the UK. Hi, Mum. _____. Continue the conversation in pairs. 中 Make a new dialogue _____. _____ Who’s that woman 中 Read and show She’s my mother 应用实践 I’m from the UK. Hi, Mum. _____. _____. Where are you from This is my friend, Amy Nice to meet you, Amy 应用实践 中 Read and show A: Who’s that ____ B: He’s/She’s ____. man boy girl ... 中 Ask and answer Do you know these people 应用实践 中 Point and say 应用实践 应用实践 Who’s that man/woman He’s/She’s my ... 中 Point and say 1. Share your photo album with your deskmate. 2. Make a new dialogue. Sentences bank: —Who’s that man/woman —He/She is my ... This is my ... 中 Share and say 迁移创新 This is my family. He’s my father. She’s my mother. This is my grandfather. She’s my grandmother. I love my family. 中 Share and say 迁移创新 father/dad, mother/mum, grandfather/grandpa, grandmother/grandma, man, woman Introduce family members Ask family members —Who’s that ma ... ...

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