
Unit 2 My family Part A Let’s learn课件(共29张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:86次 大小:20304616Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 2 My family Part A Let’s learn 通过本课时学习,学生能够: 中 Teaching aims 能够听、说、认读有关家庭成员的词汇并介绍自己的家人。(学习理解) 能够在情境中询问他人的家庭成员并介绍自己的家人。(应用实践) 能够帮助学生感受家庭成员之间的和谐、温馨,培养学生爱家庭、爱家人的积极情感。(迁移创新) 能够描述家庭成员的外貌特点,并创编一首小诗。(迁移创新) 1 通过本课时学习,学生能够: 2 3 4 中 Watch and sing 热身导入 中 What’s the song about 中 Look and say Whose family is it It’s John’s family. It’s Amy’s family. It’s Sarah’s family. 学习理解 中 Observe and say Where are they They’re in the park. 学习理解 Who’s this boy He’s Zhang Peng. 学习理解 this (这个)表示近处的事物。 Tips: 中 Observe and say … Who’s that woman She’s my _____. mother She’s my mother. She’s thin and beautiful. 1. Who’s that _____ A. woman(女士) B. girl(女孩) 2. She’s my _____. A. aunt B. mother (mum, mummy) 3. How is Sarah’s mother She’s _____. thin /beautiful 学习理解 中 Listen, tick and answer He’s my _____. father He’s my father. He’s tall and handsome. … Who’s that man 1. Who’s _____ man A. this(这个) B. that(那个) 2. He’s my _____. A. uncle B. father 3. How is Sarah’s father He’s _____. tall /handsome (dad, daddy) 学习理解 中 Listen, tick and answer 1. Who’s _____ boy this B. that He’s my _____. 2. He’s my _____. B. brother A. sister brother 3. How is Sarah’s brother He’s _____. small /cute He’s my brother. He’s small and cute. … Who’s that boy 学习理解 中 Listen, tick and answer What are they doing They are picking up rubbish. They are in the park. 中 Think and say 学习理解 Care for the environment is everyone’s responsibility. 中 Listen and imitate She’s my mother. Who’s that woman 学习理解 father(dad) man mother(mum) woman Zheng Peng: Who’s that woman Sarah: She’s my mother. She’s thin and beautiful. Zheng Peng: Who’s that man Sarah: He’s my father. He’s tall and handsome. Zheng Peng: Who’s that boy Sarah: He’s my brother. He’s short and cute. 中 Role-play ★ 发音标准 ★★ 语调正确 ★★★ 富有感情 Tips: 应用实践 “Man” or “woman” 应用实践 中 Look and say Act the conversation in pairs. 应用实践 中 Make dialogues Who’s that man/woman He’s/She’s my … 应用实践 Who’s that man/woman He’s/She’s my … Act the conversation in pairs. 中 Make dialogues 应用实践 Who’s that man/woman He’s/She’s my … Act the conversation in pairs. 中 Make dialogues Look! This is my family. This is my _____(man). He’s tall. This is my _____ (woman). She’s beautiful. This is my _____ (boy). And this is me. I’m a girl. father mother brother ★★ 中 Act and say 应用实践 Look! This is my family. This is my _____(man). He is tall. This is my _____ (woman). She’s beautiful. This is my _____(boy). He’s _____. This is my _____. She’s a girl. This is me. I’m a ____, too. And this is my dog. It’s yellow. Haha! father mother brother small sister girl ★★★ 应用实践 中 Act and say ... ...

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