
译林版七年级英语下册Unit 1 Dream Homes Grammar基础练习(含答案)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:60次 大小:22759Byte 来源:二一课件通
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7B Unit1 Grammar 一、单选 ( )1. Please turn to _____. A. Page 11 B. the 11 st page C. page 11 D. page the 11 th ( )2. At night we can see _____ stars in the sky. A. thousands and thousands of B. thousand and thousands of C. a thousand and thousands D. thousand and thousand ( )3. There are some _____ in our classroom. A. hundred of books B. the hundreds of books C. hundreds of books D. hundred of book ( )4. I have been to the village _____. A. a hundred time B. hundred times C. hundreds of times D. hundred of times ( )5. There are ____ students in our school. A. four—hundred and forty—five B. four hundred and forty—five C. four hundreds and forty—five D. four hundred and forty five ( )6. The teacher told me to go over _____ lessons. A. thirst three B. the three first C. three the first D. the first three ( )7. May is ____ of a year. A. the fifth months B. the fifth month C. the five months D. the five month ( )8. We live in _____. A. the twenty-first century B. the century twenty-one C. century twenty-one D. the century twenty-first ( )9. He said he was going to be free in _____. A. one and a half hour B. one hour and half C. one and half hours D. an hour and a half ( )10. --How many English books are there on the table --There is only _____English book on it. A. a B. an C. one D. the ( )11. Mr Smith stayed in _____ last night. A. Room 403 B. the Room 403 C. the 403 room D. 403 the room ( )12. The road is _____. A. two thousand and five hundred metres long B. two thousands metres long C. long one thousand five hundred metre D. a thousand and five hundreds metres long ( )13. He joined the army on _____ of May 1980. A. 1 st B. the 1 C. first D. the first ( )14. Is Sunday the ____ day of the week A. a B. one C. once D. first ( )15. March the _____ is Women’s Day. A. eighth B. ninth C. tenth D. eight ( )16. September is the _____month of the year. A. nineth B. ninth C. nine D. the twelveth ( )17. December the ____ is Christmas. A. twenty-five B. twenty-fifth C. twentieth-five D. twenty-five ( )18. Another way of saying Lesson 12 is _____. A. Lesson ten-two B. Lesson Ten-second C. the Twelfth Lesson D. Twelfth lesson 二、完成句子: (用past或 to的句型) 1. What time is it (8:30) It’s _____. 2. What is it (9:15) It’s _____. 3. What time is it (7;45) It’s _____. 4. What was the date (1893年1月226日) It _____. 三.根据句意及首字母或中文提示写出单词。 1. The_____(第九)lesson is very interesting. 2. I was born on the_____(第二日)of July. 3. The_____(第一)day of a week is Sunday. 4. When will you_____(到达) 5. We can write with c__._____ on the blackboard. 四.用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. I can’t wait_____ (visit) the Palace Museum. 2. Would you like_____ (have) a free clay tomorrow 3. I _____ (real) want to see you. 4. That_____ (sound) great! 5. Let’s go_____ (shop) tomorrow afternoon. 6. He sits between you and_____ (I). 7. Our village has_____ (thousand) of people. 8. Our classroom is on the_____ (three) floor of the building. 9. We can__ ... ...

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