
月考检测卷(1-2单元)(试题)-2023-2024学年 人教PEP版 英语五年级下册(含解析)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:51次 大小:287172Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 月考检测卷 一、选择题(每小题2分 满分20分) 1.I like _____ because there are beautiful flowers everywhere. ( ) A.spring B.autumn C.winter 2.I want _____ a picture, too! ( ) A.to paint B.paint C.paint to 3.There are _____ seasons in a year. ( ) A.four B.seven C.twelve 4.It’s very _____ in summer. ( ) A.cold B.cool C.hot 5.Father’s Day is in _____. I usually make a card for my father on that day. ( ) A.May B.June C.November 6._____ vacation in China is usually in February. ( ) A.Spring B.Summer C.Winter 7.—What can you do in autumn ( ) —I can _____. A.pick apples B.go swimming C.make a snowman 8.—Is Thanksgiving Day in July ( ) —_____ A.Yes, it does. B.No, it isn’t. C.Yes, it is. 9.The weather _____ good and the colours _____ beautiful. ( ) A.is; are B.are; is C.is; is 10._____ is green with flowers and songs. ( ) A.Winter B.Autumn C.Spring 二、填空题(每小题2分 满分10分) 11.It’s c (寒冷的) and snowy in Beijing. 12.I like autumn best. because I can p (摘) apples. 13.We often go on a p (野餐) with my family. 14.Zhang Peng often (make) a snowman with his friends in winter. 15.A: season do you like best (根据答语填补疑问词) B: Summer. 三、翻译题(每小题2分 满分10分) 16.去游泳 17.clean my room 18.粉色 19.春天 20.good job 四、补全对话(每小题2分 满分10分) Amy: Hello, Zhang Peng! 21 Zhang Peng: I like winter best. Amy: Oh, 22 Zhang Peng: Because I can play with snow and make a snowman. Amy: I don’t like winter. 23 Zhang Peng: What’s your favourite season Amy: 24 Zhang Peng: Why Amy: Because I can eat ice cream and watermelons. 25 A.Why do you like winter B.Which season do you like best C.My favourite season is summer. D.It’s too cold. E.I can swim in the river, too. 五、排序题(每小题2分 满分10分) 26.A.Why do you like spring B.Yes, it’s cold. But we can play in the snow. C. Because I can plant trees. What about you D.Hi, Helen. Which season do you like best E. Why Winter is cold. F. I like winter best. G. Spring. 正确顺序:D→( )→( )→( )→F→( )→( ) 六、匹配题(每小题2分 满分10分) A.I play sports at 5:00p.m. B.I like summer best. C. Sometimes I visit my grandparents. D.It’s sunny and hot. E. Fall. 27.What do you do on the weekend ( ) 28.What’s the weather like in summer ( ) 29.Which season do you like best ( ) 30.When do you play sports ( ) 31.When is the best time to go to Beijing ( ) 七、阅读理解(每小题2分 满分20分) Hello, I’m Lily. I’m from the UK. I’m a student. I like spring best because I can fly a kite. It’s fun. Sometimes I go for a walk with my parents in the park. We can see pretty flowers and green grass everywhere. I want to go to Harbin this winter vacation. It’s windy and cold there. It usually snows. I can skate (滑冰) with my friends. 32.Lily is from _____. ( ) A.China B.Canada C.the UK 33.Lily likes _____ best. ( ) A.spring B.autumn C.winter 34.Lily can _____ in spring. ( ) A.skate B.fly a kite C.go o ... ...

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