
月考检测卷(1-2单元)(试题)-2023-2024学年译林版(三起) 英语五年级下册(含解析)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:87次 大小:287487Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 月考检测卷(1-2单元)(试题)-2023-2024学年译林版(三起) 英语五年级下册 一、选择题(每小题2分 满分20分) 1.—_____ are my gloves ( ) —They are on the bed. A.Where B.Why C.When 2.I don’t have_____ nice clothes _____ shoes. ( ) A.some; and B.any; and C.any; or 3.It’s bad _____ your eyes. ( ) A.for B.in C.to 4.—Do you have _____ nice clothes _____ shoes ( ) —No, I don’t. A.some; and B.any; and C.any; or 5.—Would you like _____ ( ) —Yes, please. I like _____ very much. A.any mushrooms; mushroom B.some mushroom; mushrooms C.some mushrooms; mushrooms 6.—What’s the matter, Yang Ling ( ) —My arms _____. A.hurts B.hurt C.hurting 7.How _____ your uncle _____ to the park ( ) A.does; goes B.do; going C.does; go 8.Can you show _____ around the park (  ) A.she B.him C.his 9.She sometimes _____ on Sunday. (  ) A.play football B.plays football C.plays the football 10.Helen goes to school _____ bike every morning. (  ) A.on B.in C.by 二、填空题(每小题2分 满分10分) A.far from B.on foot C. many cities D.sits in the basket E. show you around 11.Let me our house. 12.My uncle works on a big ship. He goes to . 13.My home is near school. I go to school . 14.I like my new home, but it is school. 15.Sam always . 三、单词题(每小题2分 满分10分) 单词默写。 16.飞机 17.轮船 18.火车 19.骑车 20.给……看 四、翻译题 翻译。 21.去那里 22.住在学校附近 23.在街上 24.穿过城镇 25.去上班 五、补全对话(每小题2分 满分10分)/短文 A: 26 B: I live on Apple Street. A: 27 B: I come to school on foot. My home is near our school. A: 28 B: She lives near City Library. A: 29 B: She goes to school by metro. A: 30 B: Yes, we often play after school. A.Where does Helen live B.How do you come to school C.Do you often play basketball D.Where do you live E.How does she go to school 六、匹配题(每小题2分 满分10分) 选择配伍。 A.Yes, you can. B.No, he isn’t. C. Yes, I do. D.I live in Beijing. E. By bus. 31.Do you like your school ( ) 32.Where do you live now ( ) 33.How do you come to school ( ) 34.Can I go to school by bike ( ) 35.Is you father a taxi driver ( ) 七、阅读理解(每小题2分 满分20分) Today is a fine day. My mom takes me to the zoo. There are many animals in the zoo. Look! There are two tigers. They are walking. Two rabbits are running and a lion is sleeping. I like monkeys best. They are swinging now. They like eating yellow bananas. Sometimes they climb trees. They are very good climbers. Sometimes they jump up and down. 36.I go to the zoo with _____ today. (  ) A.my father B.my mother C.my grandma 37.—What are the rabbits doing now (  ) —They are _____ . A.walking B.running C.jumping up and down 38.What is my favourite animal (  ) A.Monkeys. B.Lions. C.Tigers. 39.—What are the monkeys doing now (  ) —They are _____. A.jumping up and down B.eating yellow bananas C.swinging 40._____ are good climbers. (  ) A.The rabbits B.The monkeys C.The tigers ... ...

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