
人教版(2019) 选择性必修第三册 Unit 4 Adversity and Courage课件(共47张PPT)

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:40次 大小:14861788Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) UNIT 4 ADVERSITY AND COURAGE Warriors are on the thorny path. 勇士是在充满荆棘的道路上前行的。 Word-Guessing adversity aboard bitter wage turn down perseverance/persevere assign furniture sink(sank sunk) abandon good/bad-tempered envy resolve commitment bark damp give off fortune sink miserable rugby crush unfortunate enthusiastic turn down belongings rough candidate motor motive/vigour decent qualified advertise corporate nephew make fire steward episode recreation miserable in adversity 在困境/逆境中 in a dilemma 处于窘境/困境中 in trouble 在麻烦中 in need 在危难/贫困中 in difficulty/difficulties 在困难中 1. adversity (pl. adversities) n. 困境;逆境 adverse adj.不利的,有害的,敌对的 Adversity makes a man wise, not rich. 逆境出人才。 (续写主旨句)只有遇到真正的逆境,我们才知道自己是谁。 We don’t know who we are until we have faced real adversity. wages of 200 a week 一星期200英镑的工资 offer/pay/raise a wage 提供/支付/上调工资 2. wage (pl. wages) n. 工资 wage n. 工资 (小时/天/周工资) salary n. (月)工资; 薪水 (也可用来表示年薪) earnings n. 收入、收益 (包括劳动收益、投资收益和其他非劳动收益) pay n. 工资; 薪水 get a rise/raise: 涨工资 ①The medicine tastes rather bitter. ② It's been bitterly cold here in Moscow. ③ The bitter quarrels have finally ended their relationship. ④She is very bitter about losing her job. 3.bitter ① 味苦的 ② 严寒的 ③ 激烈而不愉快的 ④ 愤恨的 bitterly adv. 痛苦地; 愤恨地;极其 bitterness n.苦味; 痛苦; 悲痛; 酷烈 Observe the sentences on the right. sour adj.酸的 sweet adj.甜的 spicy adj.辣的 salty adj.咸的 (续写叙述句)我好几周都沉浸在愤怒和痛苦中。 I have been overwhelmed/overcome by anger and bitterness for weeks. 无灵主语: =Anger and bitterness have overwhelmed/overcome me for weeks. 4. endurance n. 忍耐力;耐久力 endure v. 忍受; 持续 endure hardship 吃苦 beyond endurance 忍无可忍 can’t endure doing/to do 不能忍受做某事 =can’t bear/stand/tolerate/put up with doing sth. endurable adj. 可忍受的,能忍耐的 eg:他不能忍受被欺骗。 He can’t endure being cheated. He can’t endure to be cheated. 5.turn down 1.We have turned down four applicants already. 2.Can you turn the TV down I'm trying to work. However, when I applied to join the expedition, Shackleton turned me down because he thought I was too young and wasn’t qualified.(P38) 拒绝(提议、建议或提议人); 调低,关小 turn on/off 打开/关掉(水、煤气、电灯等) turn to 求助于; 致力于;翻到;转向(to是介词) turn into 变成 turn in 上交(物品) turn up 调大,开大(音量等);突然露面 turn out that... 结果是…… turn over 翻转;仔细考虑;移交;转让 Observe the sentences on the left. reject/refuse 1.I often _____ my classmates or teachers for help. As a result, I have made steady progress in my studies. 2.It is already nine o’clock, but he hasn’t _____ yet. Just went back home. 3.The job _____ to be harder than we thought. 4.The hall was full,and hundreds of fans had to _____. turn away turn to turned up turned out 【佳句】 ... ...

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