
Unit2 How often do you exercise Reading课件(共22张PPT)+内嵌视频

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:30次 大小:191281234Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 2 How often do you exercise reading Daily Vlog : Sports Weekend” What do people usually do in free time use the Internet play computer games What do people usually do in free time go camping in the country exercise or play sports What do people usually do in free time watch TV go to the movies Do you often do these activities 2a Rank these activities 1-6 (1=most often, 6=least often). 2 6 5 4 3 1 Do a survey about exercise! Choose a topic (选主题) Survey How often do you exercise Ask questions Get results Give comments How many percent of you exercise every day 50 × 100% = % percent of us exercise every day. 问问题 得结果 给评价 unhealthy life style How many students exercise every day Survey What’s the style(类型) of the passage A. an Ad (广告) B. a letter C. a survey 1 2 3 4 5 How many parts can we divide this passage into (文章分为几个部分) Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Comments Topic Results Fast Reading excercise use of the Internet watch when who what Last month No.5 high school students About_____ (1._____ 2._____ 3. _____) exercise watching TV use of the Internet Topic Careful Reading Para.1 free time activities Result Read Para.2~4 Find the word “percent” and circle the numbers Result Read Para.2~4 Complete the pie chart on next page Exercise Use the Interntet Watch TV _____% every day _____% 3-4 times a week _____% 4-6 times a week _____% 1-3 times a week Result Read Para.2~4 Complete the pie chart on next page Exercise Use the Interntet Watch TV _____% every day _____% 3-4 times a week _____% 4-6 times a week _____% 1-3 times a week ____% 1-3 times a week ____% 4-6 times a week ____% no exercise ____% every day ____% every day 15 20 20 45 10 90 13 2 85 Result Read Para.2~4 Exercise Use the Interntet Watch TV ____% 4-6 times a week 45 _____% 3-4 times a week 10 ____% every day 90 _____% 4-6 times a week 13 _____% 1-3 times a week 2 ____% every day 85 90% percent of the students use the Internet every day. 90 percent of the students always use the Internet . 45 percent of the students usually exercise . 85 percent of the students always watch TV . 13 percent of the students usually watch TV . 10 percent of the students usually use the Internet . 2 percent of the students sometimes watch TV . always usually sometimes Result Read Para.2~4 90 percent of the students always use the Internet . 45 percent of the students usually exercise . 85 percent of the students always watch TV . 13 percent of the students usually watch TV . 13 percent of the students usually use the Internet . 2 percent of the students sometimes watch TV . Which number do you think is interesting or surprising Although many students like to watch _____. _____are the most popular. sports game shows Most students use the Internet for _____and not for _____. fun homework What do you think of their habits Comment Read Para.5 Which one is Not writer’s comment It’s better to relax by exercise than using t ... ...

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