

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:48次 大小:23079Byte 来源:二一课件通
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句型转换 Mark is watching TV now.(改为否定句) Mark TV now. Li Lin listens to English on the radio every day.(改为否定句) Li Lin to English on the radio every day. She will go climbing with me next week.(改为否定句) She go climbing with me next week. Mr. Hu is having a rest in his bedroom.(改为否定词) Mr. Hu having a rest in his bedroom. We are going to have a school trip after the exam.(改为否定句) We going to have a school trip after the exam. The boys can play chess in the afternoon.(改为否定句) The boys chess in the afternoon. Jeff played tennis with his classmates yesterday.(改为否定句) Jeff tennis with his classmates yesterday. She will go climbing with me next week.(改为否定句) She go climbing with me next week. I am interested in writing.(改为否定句) I _____ _____ interested in writing. I talked to him on the phone yesterday. (改为否定句). I _____ _____ to him on the phone yesterday. Tina finishes her homework before 6 o'clock every day. (改为否定句) Tina _____ _____ her homework before 6 o'clock every day. She has finished her schoolwork.(改为否定句) She _____ _____ her schoolwork. I was doing my homework at seven last night. (变成否定句) I _____ _____ my homework at seven last night. She often reads with her daughter in the evening. (改为否定句) She _____ often _____ with her daughter in the evening. I brush my teeth twice a day. (改为否定句) I _____ _____ my teeth twice a day. My aunt likes watching TV plays.(改为否定句) My aunt_____ _____watching TV plays. Tim is reading Journey to the West.(改为否定句) Tim _____ _____ Journey to the West. bI was playing with my phone when my mother came in.(改为否定句) I _____ _____ with my phone when my mother came in. The English dictionary is 25 dollars.(对划线部分提问) is the English dictionary Dave was making a model plane in the classroom at that time.(对划线部分提问) Dave making a model plane at that time The girl bought lots of clothes on the day of Double 11 last year.(对划线部分提问) the girl do on the day of Double 11 last year They didn’t arrive on time because they got up late.(对划线部分提问) they arrive on time? Li Hua usually goes to the library after school.(对划线部分提问) Li Hua usually do after school I go to the movies once a week.(对划线部分提问) do you go to the movies We will travel to the Great Wall after the exam.(对划线部分提问) you travel after the exam My sister will take care of my cat when I am on holiday.(改为同义句) My sister will my cat when I am on holiday. His grandparents live in Shanghai.(对划线部分提问) _____ _____ his grandparents live Sara was late for school because of the heavy rain.(对划线部分提问) _____ _____Sara late for school Li Hua usually goes to the library after school.(对划线部分提问) Li Hua usually do after school The dictionary cost him 120_yuan.(对划线部分提问) _____ _____ did the dictionary cost him They will learn cooking at school next term. (对划线部分提问) _____ _____ they learn cooking at school Uncle Zhu is making ... ...

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