
人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 3 The internet单元基础知识复习检测(含答案)

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:97次 大小:24883Byte 来源:二一课件通
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必修2 Unit 3 基础知识复习回顾 I.课文短语 1. 无数的文章 2. 使我们的生活更加方便 3. 排队等候 4. 随身携带现金 5. 用现金支付 6. 获得最新的信息 7.下载软件、文档和图片 8.在线社区和社交网络 9. 患严重疾病 10. 辞去工作 11. 发现自己失业,困在家中 12. 只有她的电脑来陪伴她 13.探索世界 14. 消除距离感 15.创办IT俱乐部 16. 筹集资金 17. 申请网上工作 18. 上网课 19. 消除数字鸿沟 20. 有使用互联网的机会 21.经历困难时候 22. 身体状况良好 23记录步数 24. 黄金法则 25. 挑起事端 26. 针对特定人群 Ⅱ. 单句语法填空 1. The two friends sat in the corner, _____(chat) about the progress they had made. 2. They set off for the destination too late; or they wouldn’t have been _____(stick) in the storm. 3. As a Chinese who is _____(particular) interested in travelling, I would like to introduce my favorite city—Beijing. 4. It was rude of you to injure his pride last night, so you must make an apology to him for your _____. (rude) 5. Hearing his _____ speech,I was greatly _____. It gave me an _____ that I should start my own business. (inspire) 6. The girl felt _____ when seeing the _____ pictures. She turned away with _____.(embarrass) 7. I’d like to keep my reference books near my desk for _____(convenient). 8. Many cities in Northern China have been suffering from heavy fogs, causing great _____(convenient) to people. 9. As a result, _____ the benefit of your health,it is necessary that you should have enough sleep and rest. 10. You can also go over the knowledge at the same time and you are sure to benefit _____ it. 11. Actually, there are _____ many selfless people like Zhong Nanshan around us that they well deserve our respect. 12. Reading English classics is of great benefit _____ us, so let’s begin right now. 13. I saw some children waving to the foreign guests _____ the distance, but I couldn’t see them clearly. 14. He usually puts the medicine in the top drawer to make sure it will not be _____ (access) to the kids. 15. The project is _____(target) at encouraging students to volunteer in environmental protection. 16. I prefer western painting. There are several reasons _____(account) for my preference. 17. I sincerely hope that you will take my suggestions _____ account at your convenience. 18. He arrived an hour late, _____ (upset) our arrangements, and making us upset.  19. What _____(upset) me was that Kelley just ignored me. Loneliness began to flood in. 20. Taking part in the music festival is certain to help you get more familiar _____ Chinese folk music. III. 完成句子 1. However, _____(越焦虑) you are,the worse your performance will be. 2. Could we meet in our school art hall at 8:00 am this Sunday _____(在你方便的时候) 3. Not only _____(我们有机会免费) to basketball courses, but also our school holds various kinds of sports competitions. 4. The professor warned the students that on no account _____(他们该使用) cellphones in his class. 5. First of all, _____(牢记)you had better arrive a little earlier than the appointed time. 6. So _____(这活动有益)that we a ... ...

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