
人教版八年级(下册) Unit 4 Section B 3a-Self check 情景式教学写作课公开课课件(共29张)+学案 (知识精讲+分层作业)(含答案)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:96次 大小:16191106Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Presentation Unit 4 Why don’t you talk to your parents Section B 3a-Self check 情景式教学写作课公开课 人教新目标版 八年级(下册) Presentation Learning Objectives At the end of this class, students will be able to: 1. To learn to use new words & expressions about this class: in one's opinion; perhaps; study for exams; turn down the TV. Why don’t you wait a few more days before talking to her All though many people like to eat junk food, they should really eat more fruit and vegetables so that they can be healthy. You could save more money so that you can buy a gift for your friend's birthday. 2.To learn to brainstorm new opinions and set up a writing outline and how to express advice of some problems in writing a letter. 3.To write a letter to the magazine to express your opinions on after-school classes for children. 4.To do the exercise in Self Check and try to remember the words and expression in this unit. 5. To learn to deal with the difficulties in life calmly and reasonably. Presentation Do you have any problems in study I am afraid of _____ in class because I am a little____. shy answering questions I don't have any _____to do things I like because I have too much_____. free time homework I don't have_____ because I have too many_____. free time after-school classes Presentation Why do students have much pressure about schoolwork Parents want their children to be _____, so they push their children too_____. successful hard Parents want their children to get into a good _____and get a good____ so they force their children to study. university job + I want to get good_____, so I have to _____ my classmates. grades compete with Presentation Let’s watch a survey. Our magazine interviewed some parents about after-school classes for children yesterday. Presentation Let’s watch a survey. Should children take after-school classes Why should children take after-school classes I agree. After-school classes can help kids get into a good university. I want my child to be a successful person. Presentation Let’s watch a survey. Should children take after-school classes Why shouldn’t children take after-school classes I disagree. Too many after-school classes could make students stressed out. They are not good for students’ mental or physical health. Presentation Should children take after-school classes What’s your opinion A magazine interviewed some parents about after-school classes for children. Read the opinions below and make notes on your own opinions. 3a Why should children take after-school classes Your opinions 1. “After-school classes can help kids get into a good university.” 2. “I want my child to be a successful person.” 3. “ It’s good for children to start learning from a young age.” Agree: Disagree: Presentation Read the letter and analyze the structure. We received a letter from a middle school student--Jane. She expressed her opinions on after-school classes ... ...

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