
仁爱科普版八年级上册Unit 3 Our Hobbies Topic 3 Section C 词汇课件 (共33张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:38次 大小:14721291Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) U3T3SC Words 1. match [m t ] n.火柴;比赛,竞赛v.将…配对 1) n.火柴 可数名词 一盒火柴 a box of matches 点亮一根火柴 light a match 2) n.比赛,竞赛 明天将会有一场足球比赛 There will be a football match tomorrow. lit/ lighted 1. match [m t ] n.火柴;比赛,竞赛v.将…配对 3) v.将……配对 sth. match with sth. 我要一条裤子跟我这件夹克相配 I want a pair of pants to match with my jacket. match A with B 把A 和 B 连线 2. dark [dɑ k] adj.黑暗的;暗色的n.黑暗;暗处 1) adj.黑暗的;暗色的 房间黑暗 The room is dark. 暗红色/ 深红色 dark red 2)n.黑暗;暗处 在黑暗中 in the dark 3. voice [v s] n.嗓音,说话声 甜美的嗓音 beautiful voice in a low voice 低声地说 低声地哭/说 cry/say sth. in a low voice 4. sell [sel] v.卖出……;出售;转让 sold 卖火柴 卖光 把某物卖给某人 sell matches sell out sell sth. to sb. 5. hungry ['h gri] adj.饥饿的 她感觉又冷又饿 She felt cold and hungry. 6. beat [bi t] v.打,击打;(在比赛中)打败(某人) 过去式 beat 他的爸爸会打他 His father will beat him. beat sb. 打某人 我的心为你跳动 My heart beats for you. 我将会在这场比赛中打败你 I will beat you in the match. beat sb. 打败某人 上周我们队伍打败了他们的队伍 Our team beat their team last week. 7. burn [b n] v.燃烧;烧毁 burn-burnt / burned 火柴在燃烧 The matches are burning. 8. stove [st v] n.炉子,火炉 a warm stove 一个暖炉 a microwave stove 微波炉 9. goose [gu s]n.鹅 goose-geese 一只美味的烤鹅 a delicious roast goose 10. disappear [d s ‘p ] v.消失,灭绝 flame [fle m] n.火焰;火舌 当火苗熄灭时,所有这些都消失。 All these disappeared when the flames went out. (go out 熄灭) 11. dead [ded] adj.死的 一只死老鼠 a dead mouse 12. wake [we k] v.醒来;弄醒,唤醒 woke wake up 醒来,唤醒 当那只猫醒来的时候,那只老鼠正在搬走蛋糕 When the cat woke up, the mouse was carrying his cake. 13. happily ['h p l ] adv.快乐地,高兴地,幸福地 昨晚这个时候我们正在快乐地聊天 We were chatting happily at this time yesterday. Read and understand . Match the following pictures with the titles of stories. Then share the story you like best with the class. Snow White B. the Little Match Girl C.Black Cat Sir D. Ma Liang and His Magic Brush ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) A D C B 1a cry hear give feel play will think light ———cried ———heard ——— gave ———felt ———played ———would ———thought ———lit / lighted Circle the past tense of the verbs. 1a see disappear go smile hold ———saw ———disappeared ———went ——— smiled ——— held Video Read 1a again and complete the table. Time It was snowy and dark _____ . Place A poor girl was walking _____. Weather The wind _____ strongly and the snow _____ on her long hair. on the last evening of the year in the streets with no shoes was blowing was falling down 1b What the little girl did 1. The little girl was selling _____ in the streets. 2. She _____ any matches , and she felt _____ and _____. 3. She lighted matches and saw a warm _____, a delicious _____, a beautiful _____ and her kind _____. 4. She _____ a ... ...

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