
Module 5 Cartoons Unit 2 Tintin has been popular for over eighty years.课件(共36张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:42次 大小:1923641Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Module 5 Cartoons Unit 2 Tintin has been popular for over eighty years. Learning aims (学习目标) 1. 读:能够读懂并总结以卡通为主题的短文,能提取细节信息。 2. 写:写说出自己喜欢的卡通和卡通人物以及喜欢的原因。 1.orange-and-white 2.ugly 3.win the heart of sb. 4.schoolbag 5.lead 6.clever 7.as 8.mess 9.heaven adj. 橙白相间的 adj. 难看的;丑陋的 赢得某人的心 n. 书包 v. 领导;率领 adj. 聪明的;机灵的 conj. 当……时 n. 脏乱;凌乱 n. 天国;天堂 Words review 10.expect 11.artist 12.invent 13.copy 14.black-and-white 15.own 16. private 17. create 18. satisfy v. 期盼;期待 n. 艺术家;画家 v. 发明;创造 n. (一)本;(一)份 adj. 黑白的 adj. 自己的 adj. 私人的;个人的 v. 创造 v. 满足;使满意 Words review 2. It’s a cute orange-and-white fish. Guessing Game 1. It’s naughty, lovely and brave. Nemo 1. He’s clever, brave and humorous. Guessing Game 2. He leads a group of monkeys against the Emperor of Heaven. Monkey King 2. He’s an ugly green monster(怪物). Guessing Game 1. He wins the heart of a beautiful princess. Shrek 1. He works for a newspaper and has lots of exciting experiences. 2. He’s a person with red hair and a small white dog. Guessing Game Tintin 1. It’s 66 years old. Guessing Game 2. It lives in his own private world. 3. It’s a lovely and clever white dog. Snoopy Nemo Snoopy orange-and-white adj. 橙白相间的 Nemo:尼莫《海底总动员》中的角色 史努比《花生漫画》中的角色 own adj. 自己的 e.g. This is my own house. 这是我自己的家。 private adj. 私人的; 个人的 private car 私家车 Snoopy lives in his own private world. The Monkey King heaven n.天国; 天堂 The Monkey King made a mess in the heaven. n. 脏乱; 凌乱 We expect to see more Monkey King cartoons. v. 期盼,期待 Shrek Tintin ugly adj.难看的; 丑陋的 史瑞克《怪物史瑞克》中的角色 丁丁《丁丁历险记》中的角色 satisfy v.使满意 Cartoon heroes the main character in a story, novel or film “主人公” Have you ever seen the pictures of these cartoon heroes Do you think these cartoon heroes are popular Yeah, they are very popular and their pictures can be seen everywhere. Cartoon heroes Personality (性格,品质) cute ugly brave clever smart kind humorous handsome adj. helpful serious beautiful lovely cool I like…because (Nemo) is… words pair work A:Which of them do you like B: I like … A: Why do you like him B: Because …How about you Nemo Shrek the Monkey King Tintin Snoopy Read the passage and match the paragraphs with the main ideas. Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3 Paragraph 4&5 a) The Monkey King b) Snoopy c) Nemo and Shrek d) Tintin We'll read a passage about the cartoon heroes to get more information. hero What is the story about What does it look like What's it like Why do people like it Nemo Shrek a cute orange-and-white fish an ugly green man have won the hearts of young people. hero What is the story about What does it look like What's it like Why do people like it Monkey King He leads a group of monkeys against the Emperor of Heaven ... ...

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