
人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit 2 Wildlife Protection 单元检测提升卷(无答案)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:18次 大小:22729Byte 来源:二一课件通
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十堰京中实验学校高一年级上学期单元检测 必修二 Unit 2 提升卷 (总分:100分, 时间:40分钟) 一. 词性变换。(每空1分, 共15分) 1. The supplies were transported to the local people _____ (immediate) the earthquake happened. 2. On first seeing the city, most visitors were overpowered by the _____ (beautiful) of the noble buildings. 3. Many people travel to the country on tourist visas, then stay and work there _____ (illegal). 4. Electricity demand of our increasingly digital economies is growing at an _____ (alarm) rate. 5. I think we should also take _____ (effect) measures to make our country more beautiful. 6. The government has taken a series of measures to protect wild animals from _____ (extinct). 7. We sincerely hope they can play a key role in protecting the _____ (endanger) species being harmed. 8. As the economy develops, the_____(live) conditions of the people have been improved accordingly. 9. He slowed the bleeding by applying _____ (press) to the wounds until the police and ambulance arrived. 10. The experiment has ruled out the possibility of the _____ (exist) of any life on that planet. 11. It's a science in that it can _____(measure) by results and is subject to methodological analysis. 12. Evolution occurs as a result of _____ (adapt) to new environments. 13. The sales manager asked his men to inform him of everything _____(concern) the sales in time. 14. After many years of _____ (observe), he has found that lions have their unique way to communicate. 15. Is there any possibility that she will make a full _____ (recover) 二. 根据中文提示写出相应短语。(每小题2分, 共30分) 1. 究竟;到底_____ 2. 平均_____ 3. 取得巨大进步_____ 4. 采取有效措施_____ 5. 使某人想起某事 _____ 6. 谋生_____ 7. 激起_____ 8. 搜索;查找_____ 9. 盈利_____ 10. 与……和谐相处_____ 11. 在压力下_____ 12. 开始存在;产生_____ 13. 就某人而言_____ 14. 因为;由于_____ 15. 打算/想要做某事_____ 三. 完成句子(每小题3分, 共30分) 1. 乘坐着汽车, 我们参观了很多既有趣又美丽的地方。 _____, we visited many exciting and beautiful places.  2. 只有你来到中国的时候, 你才能体验中国的饮食文化。 _____ when you come to China _____ Chinese food culture. 3. 尽管他在交通事故中受伤严重, 但最后他终于康复了。 _____he was hurt seriously in the car accident, he finally _____it.(recovery) 4. 学习中文是必须的, 这能确保你尽快适应在中国的新生活。 Learning Chinese is a must, which _____ in China as soon as possible. 5. 我会使用计算机, 但如果谈到修理, 我就一窍不通。 I can use a computer, but_____, I know nothing. 6. 他昨天上课迟到的原因是他睡过了。 _____he was late for school_____ he overslept yesterday. 7. Tom去巴黎是为了学习法语。(intention) Tom went to Paris_____. 8. 人们应该提高环境保护的意识。 People should _____environmental protection. (aware) 9. 非法捕猎濒危动物是违法的。 _____ the endangered animals. 10.由于大雪, 他们被困在山中的房子里。 _____they were trapped in the house in the mountain. (用强调句型) 四. 语法填空。(每题1. 5分, 共15分) The fresh thin air, snow-covered mountains and grace ... ...

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