
中考英语二轮题型专练 原创外国改编小说完形填空1-7篇(含答案)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:40次 大小:1279737Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 1 一、完形填空 “That Tom is going to make a lot of trouble. He kept putting 1 into Martha’s sack (麻袋),” Sambo told Legree that night. “Then we’ll have to 2 him a lesson,” said Legree. Slowly the 3 slaves came into the room for the weighing of the sacks. First Legree weighed Tom’s sack, and it was enough. Martha’s sack was 4 . The weight was enough, 5 Legree shouted at her. “You lazy animal! This is not enough! Stay here and wait.” He finished weighing all 6 sacks, and then turned to Tom. “Come here,” said Legree, “I want to give you a 7 job than picking cotton, and you can start tonight: take this woman and whip (鞭打) her — you know 8 .” “I’m sorry, Master,” said Tom. “I 9 do it.” Legree whipped Tom across 10 and then hit him with his fists (拳头) many times. “There!” he said. “Now will you tell me you can’t do it ” “Yes, Master,” said Tom, with blood 11 his face. “I will work night and day, but I will never whip another person.” “I bought you, and you’re 12 , body and soul,” he said, kicking Tom. “My 13 isn’t yours, Master! You can’t buy it!” “We will see,” said Legree. “Sambo, Quimbo, give that dog a lesson.” It was late at night, and Tom 14 bleeding alone, among pieces of broken machinery. He heard a noise. “Who’s there Please, give me some water!” It was Cassy. She helped him 15 and then she cleaned his wounds and put something soft under his head. Tom felt better. 1.A.food B.money C.cotton D.drinks 2.A.teach B.offer C.buy D.pass 3.A.excited B.surprised C.bored D.tired 4.A.last B.next C.third D.final 5.A.or B.and C.so D.but 6.A.the other B.another C.the others D.other 7.A.worse B.good C.better D.bad 8.A.how B.what C.which D.who 9.A.can B.needn’t C.should D.can’t 10.A.his head B.his face C.his body D.his legs 11.A.running across B.running up C.running down D.running away 12.A.mine B.yours C.hers D.his 13.A.body B.soul C.money D.cotton 14.A.lied B.laid C.lay D.lain 15.A.eat B.drink C.wash D.cure 【答案】CADBD ACADB CABCB 2 The doctor was very 1 , when he arrived later that morning. Colin was sitting on the sofa looking at one of his books. He was talking to Mary. “So, you were 2 last night, Colin,” he said. “I’m better now—much better,” Colin answered. “I’m 3 out in my wheelchair soon if it is fine. I want some fresh air.” The doctor left without saying anything else. That night Colin slept well. He 4 about the garden again, and Dickon and his animals. Colin looked very 5 when Dickon gave him the new-born lamb early the next morning. “What does it want ” cried Colin. “It wants its mother,” said Dickon, smiling. He 6 a baby’s bottle from his pocket. He pushed the bottle into the lamb’s mouth. The lamb drank the milk, then it fell asleep. Colin and Mary asked Dickon questions about the names of flowers. He knew 7 which ones were already growing in the secret garden. “I’m going to ... ...

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