
中考英语二轮题型专练 原创外国改编小说 完形填空8-14篇(含答案)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:60次 大小:1303160Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 8 One Saturday afternoon, Amy found Meg and Jo getting well dressed. They were going to the theater with Laurie. She wanted to come. “I can’t take you, dear, because you aren’t 1 ,” began Meg, but Jo cut in 2 “You can’t go, Amy. Laurie invited only Meg and me.” Amy cried, “You’ll be 3 this, Jo March.” While Jo and Meg were at the theater, Amy 4 Jo’s book of writings. Jo’s loving work of several years was gone in the fire. That night, Mother asked Jo to forgive(原谅)her sister, but Jo 5 . The next day, Jo went to the river with Laurie to skate on the ice. Amy followed them. Jo saw her coming and turned her back. But Laurie did not 6 Amy. He warned Jo to stay away from the middle of the river. The ice there was 7 . Jo heard him, but Amy did not. Something turned Jo round. She happened to see Amy throw up her hands and go down, with a scaring cry. The ice 8 . Jo tried to call Laurie, but her 9 was gone. She tried to rush forward, but her feet seemed to have no 10 in them. Laurie’s voice cried out, “Bring a rail(横杆), Jo. Quick, quick!” She never knew 11 she did it, but for the next few minutes she worked, blindly obeying Laurie. Together they got the child out. Amy was more scared than 12 . When Mother had put Amy to bed, Jo whispered, “Are you sure she is 13 . Quite safe, dear. She is not hurt, and won’t even catch cold,” replied her mother cheerfully. “Mother, I had kept my anger 14 it grew so strong. Today, without 15 , it might have been too late. Oh, Mother, what shall I do ” “Anger can make us do very bad things to people we love. We must learn to control our anger,” said Mrs March. Jo looked at Amy in her bed and gave her a big kiss. —Taken from Little Women A.invited B.hired C.trained D.interviewed 2 A.curiously B.politely C.impatiently D.uncertainly 3 A.tired of B.confident of C.famous for D.sorry for 4.A.burned up B.got up C.put up D.set up 5.A.regretted B.refused C.agreed D.cheered 6.A.hold B.hear C.treat D.see 7.A.thin B.strong C.dirty D.narrow 8.A.broke B.froze C.shook D.gathered 9.A.sound B.pronunciation C.voice D.courage 10.A.energy B.strength C.challenge D.noise 11.A.whatever B.when C.where D.how 12.A.worried B.hurt C.trapped D.bored 13.A.asleep B.alive C.safe D.generous 14.A.after B.unless C.because D.till 15.A.Amy B.Meg C.Laurie D.you 【答案】ACDAB DAACB DBCDC 9 The Witch Glinda leaned forward and kissed Dorothy, the sweet and loving girl. “What can I do for you, my child ” Glinda asked. Dorothy 1 and told the Witch the whole 2 —the cyclone, her friends and their adventures. “My greatest wish now,” she added, “is to get back to Kansas, 3 Uncle Henry and Aunt Em will surely think something 4 has happened to me, and I also 5 if their crops are better this year than they were last year.” “I can send you back to Kansas if you give me the Golden Cap,” the witch said. “ 6 !” Dorothy cried. “In fact, it is of no ... ...

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