
2024届高考英语专题复习:2024届广东省一模应用文邀请信评讲课件 (共15张PPT)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:19次 大小:3436835Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 2024届广东省一模应用文 稻壳学院 20XX 邀请信 教材片段Unit1 ANCIENT CHINESE ART ON SHOW 中国古代艺术展览 The Richfield Museum of Fine Art is proud to present our new exhibition, "from Shang to Qing: Chinese Art Through the Ages." Join us as we explore more than 3,000 years of wonderful art from the Middle Kingdom. From bronze bowls to ceramic vases, and jade sculptures to ink wash paintings, our goal is to display the Chinese artistic genius from ancient times. 里奇菲尔德美术博物馆很荣幸为您介绍我们的新展览——— “从商朝到清朝:历代中国艺术” 。加入我们一起来探索来自中央王国(即中国,译者注)具有 3,000 多年历史的美妙艺术。从青铜碗到陶瓷花瓶,从玉雕到水墨画,我们的目标是展示中国古代的艺术天赋。 The highlight of this exhibition is the painting Clearing After Snow on a Mountain Pass, one of the great works of Tang Yin (1470-1524). Born during the Ming Dynasty, Tang sought and failed to gain entry into the civil service, so he turned to painting instead. In time, he gained recognition as one of the greatest artists China has ever known. This painting, showing high mountains, trees, and houses covered in snow, was made with extraordinary skill. Though it is over 500 years old, it looks as fresh and full of life as the day it was created. 本次展览的亮点是唐寅 (1470— 1524) 的杰作之———《函关雪霁图》。唐寅出生在明朝,他曾试图考取文官,但失败了,所以他转而从事绘画。最终,他被公认为中国有史以来最伟大的艺术家之一。这幅画运用了非凡的技巧,展现了高山、树木和被雪覆盖的房屋。虽然它已经有500多年的历史了,但看起来清新且充满生机,就像刚被创作出来一样。 教材片段 教材片段 This is just a small taste of what is in store for you in this exhibition. We guarantee that"From Shang to Qing: Chinese Art Through the Ages"will transport you to another time with its amazing collection of works. 这只是本次展览供您参观的展品中的一小部分。我们保证“从商朝到清朝:历代中国艺术”展将凭借其令人惊叹的藏品让你穿越至另一个时代。 XX is proud to present our new exhibition, from... to .... Join us as we explore..... From....to ...., our goal is to display..... The highlight of this exhibition is ..... We guarantee that this exhibition will transport you to another time with its amazing collection of works. 语料学习 文章结构 2024届广东一模应用文-邀请信 假定你是李华 , 你校将举办 "经典文化探索展 " , 并通过网络进行直播。请你给外国笔友 Hans写封邮件 , 邀请他在线观看 。 内容包括: 1 . 活动介绍 ; 2 . 观看时间 、方式 ; 3 . 你的期待 。 注意: 1 . 写作词数应为80 左右 ; 2 . 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。 Dear Hans , _____ Yours , Li Hua 体裁:邀请信 写作对象:外国友人 人称:第一人称,第二人称 时态:一般将来时,一般现在时 语气:平级,热情 写信背景:经典文化探索展 写作目的:邀请线上观看 邀请信内容分布 1.词汇积累 举办:host; 经典文化探索展:Classic Culture Exploration Exhibition; 网络直播:online live streaming; 多样化的:a diverse range of; 丰富遗产:rich heritage; 如下附录网址:website as attached below 虚拟地:virtually 第一段 ... ...

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