
备战2024高考英语语法填空专项分类训练:语法填空名校最新模拟真题强化练16(高考真题 名校模拟真题)(含解析)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:93次 大小:42173Byte 来源:二一课件通
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语法填空名校模拟真题强化练16 (2023·广西北海·统考一模)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 Art lovers in New Zealand 1 (enjoy) 2, 000 books from China and more than 200 paintings from both countries at a China-themed book exhibition in Waipa on Sept. 15. As one of a series of activities 2 (mark) the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic(外交的) ties between China and New Zealand, the book exhibition included 217 pieces of artwork 3 have been collected from 40 cities in China. There were also 15 paintings from New Zealand. Dandi Wang, curator(馆长) of the exhibition and president of Prime Media New Zealand, said the exhibition included more than 2, 000 English language books with 4 (theme) ranging from political theory, medical information to Chinese 5 (tradition) cultural practices. Dave Bromwich, former president of the New Zealand China Friendship Society, who has visited China more than 50 times, said the exhibition represented “a very good insight into Chinese culture”. He encouraged New Zealanders to pick up 6 book and start to understand it. Ye Su, minister-counselor of the Chinese embassy in New Zealand, said he was 7 (deep) impressed by the works 8 display. Ye said that he believed the wide variety of books at the exhibition would enable more New Zealanders to better understand China, which will help enhance understanding between the two countries. The exhibition also included a range of children's books and a 9 (collect) of poems. It's expected that the books 10 (donate)to local libraries and schools and the paintings will be given to local children's hospitals. (2023·河北沧州·统考三模)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 The minority of Red Yao is one of the ethnic minorities in China, living in north of Guilin. Guangxi Region, especially on Longji Rice Terraces(梯田). One of the 11 (big)Yao festivals is the Clothes Drying Festival, which falls 12 the sixth day of the sixth lunar month. In practice, women lay out all their traditional costumes under the sun. This serves the double purposes of disinfection and allowing the ladies to show off 13 they have. If it rains, they will spread their costumes indoors, 14 (leave)the door open. That day, local Yao people took their clothes outside their house to dry and seek fortune. Later, 15 (dress)in their treasured costumes, they showcased how to make traditional clothes, performed group weddings and gave other unique performances as a way 16 (attract)tourists. Yao people in the area 17 (observe)the festival for centuries. Tradition has it that the celebration ceremony is held between the famous terraced rice 18 (field)in this area. The celebration continues into night 19 reaches its height when the people light up their doorways under the starry sky. In addition, fireworks are set off. The celebration varies 20 (slight)from place to place. In Guiping County nearby, Yao people stand in squares waving their hands to the ... ...

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