

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:65次 大小:4031703Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 定语 She teaches me the learning skills. She teaches me abundant learning skills. 句子的拓展 定语 定语 Our history has its own features. 3. 我们的历史有自己的 特点。 People like playing computer games. 1.来了一个帅小伙。 Here comes a handsome boy. 2.很多人喜欢玩电脑游戏。 The weather today is wonderful! 4.今天的天气好极了! adj. n. pron. adv. 定语 6.彼得提出的想法要简单得多。 The idea presented by Peter is much simpler. 5.屋里的紧张气氛有所减缓。 The tension in the room had lessened. The girl sitting by my side is my daughter. 7.坐在我旁边的那个女孩 是我的女儿。 介词短语 非谓语 前置定语--adj. American famous a _____ university little French red a _____ oil painting new plastic a _____ bucket Order:限定词(一般指数量);外观(美丽等);形状(大小,高矮,肥瘦);年龄;颜色;国籍;材料;用途。 famous American little red French new plastic 后置定语 1. China is a country America. 2. They lived in the room . 3. The boy has risen his hand. different from above 后置定语 in blue 形容词性短语 副词 介词短语 the map _____ 墙上的地图   the standard _____ 生活水平   temple _____ 处于危险中的寺庙   the way _____去旅馆的路   the life _____ 未来的生活 on the wall of living in danger to the hotel in the future Exercise 充满好奇心的小孩更容易独立学习。(full of) Children full of curiosity tend to study independently. 机会更多的青睐于受过良好教育的人。(with) Opportunities are more favorable for people with a good education. 1. The book _____ (write) by my teacher has been sold out. written to do playing 非谓语作定语 2. There is nothing_____(do) at this moment. 3. The boy _____(play) basketball is his brother. 1. 他总是第一个来,最后一个走的人。 He is always the first (one) to come and the last to leave. 2. 我们没有地方可居住。 We have no place to live. 1.机会往往抛弃那些拒绝学习的人。 Opportunities often abandon those refusing to learn. 2.这是最糟糕的做决定的时间。 This is the worst time to make decisions. 受邀参加这个招待会的大多数客人都是那所大学的学生。 Most of the guests invited to the reception were students from that university. 句子作定语 He is the man who wants to see you. He wants to see you. He is the man. 前置定语 后置定语 形容词 数词 名词 代词 非谓语 介词短语定语从句 She is a kind girl. I have a lot of homework to do. There are a number of leaves fallen on the ground. His rapid progress in English made us surprised. He is reading an article about how to learn English. Tom is a boy that likes music very much. The countries which have plenty of cultural heritages can attract more tourists. 判断句子用的哪种形式充当的定语 定语从句 关系代词 : that, which, who, whom, as, whose 关系副词 : when, why, where Exercise 1 1.What's the name of the man_____car broke down whose where which whom 2.A cemetery is a place_____people are buried. 4.What was the name of the person to _____you spoke on the phone 3.The time _____we spent in Hai Nan was really nice. The room ____ window faces south is my sist ... ...

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