
人教版(2019) 选择性必修第三册 Unit 4 Adversity and Courage Reading and Thinking课件(共32张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:27次 大小:39219995Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 4 Adversity and Courage Reading and Thinking & Language Points 课前准备:课本,学案。积累本,双色笔 Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greed. — Mohandas K. Gandhi 2019新人教版 微薄的工资 small wages 严寒 bitter cold 登上他的轮船 go aboard his ship 躲在一个小橱柜里 hide in a small cupboard 弃船 abandon the ship 衣服和毛毯 clothes and blankets 一次非常危险的航行 a very dangerous voyage 美味的食物 decent food 真金 genuine gold 全体船员 the crew members Prep for Reading 一个脾气好的孩子 a good-tempered child 非常嫉妒 lost in envy 变得自私和脾气暴躁 become selfish and bad-tempered 梦寐以求 dream of 拒绝(某人) turn sb down   出发 set off 振奋我们的精神 keep our spirits up 越来越糟糕 go from bad to worse 到达;成功 make it   真心关怀 genuine concern Prep for Reading 1.根据首字母或者汉语意思完成句子. 1. All passengers _____ (在飞机上), we should be landing shortly. Please fasten your seat belts. 2. He made a _____ (真心的) attempt to improve conditions. 3. I want to find a _____ (体面的) and leisurable job with high pay in the future. 4. The mission for the_____(全体乘务人员)of the space shuttle is essentially over. 5. I had a physical problem and had to go to the hospital for a _____ (全面的) examination. 6. We are always busy with our work, only playing basketball once a week for _____ (消遣). 7. It is a good opportunity for young people to improve their performance under the _____ (指导) of the professional coach. 8. The _____ (应试者) who failed to meet these requirements was not admitted to the university. 9. As _____ (儒家) says, “Keep what you say and carry out what you do.” 10. She decided she would try to forget the _____ (一段经历) by the lake. aboard genuine decent crew thorough recreation guidance candidate Confucianism episode Prep for Reading 1. Before you read, discuss these questions in pairs. How can they find the endurance wreck from the footage How could the whole party of 28 be saved Prep for Reading vessel【船,舰】bear witness to 【见证】mast 【船桅﹔桅杆】 halo 【光环,光圈】strand 【搁浅】churn【搅拌;搅动】 in this regard【在这点上;就此而言】whaling station 【捕鲸站】wreck 【残骸】 Prep for Writing 2.Read this advertisement that was posted by a famous British explorer. Discuss the questions with your group members. Do you think you are eligible for this challengeable task Conditions Requirements Are you qualified small wages not care much about money bitter cold accustomed to the extreme weather conditions, healthy long months of complete darkness show perseverance, not afraid of loneliness constant danger have courage, cooperate with others, be experienced safe return uncertain be optimistic, be positive Prep for Writing 2.Read this advertisement that was posted by a famous British explorer. Discuss the questions with your group members. 2. What kind of men was Ernest Shackleton looking for Use your own words t ... ...

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