
Module 5 Unit 2 Tintin has been popular for over eighty years.学案 外研版八年级英语下册(含答案)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:52次 大小:24657Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Module 5 Unit 2 Tintin has been popular for over eighty years . 自主预习 重点单词 1. 难看的;丑陋的 2. 领导;率领 3. 脏乱;凌乱 4. 期盼;等待 5. 艺术家;画家 6. 发明;创造 7. (一)本;(一)份 8. 自己的 9. 私人的;个人的 10. 满足;使满意 重点短语 11. 赢得某人的心 12. 弄得乱七八糟 13. 从……以后一直 14. 超过 15. 在20世纪80年代 16. 以及 重点句型 17.They always see more monkey King cartoons .他们总期待着观看更多的美猴王动画片。 18.He for over eighty years , ever since the artist Hergé invented him in 1929.自从画家艾尔热于1929年创作他(丁丁)以来,他(丁丁)已经流行了80多年。 自主研习 【例1】 They look very different , but both of them have won the hearts of young people all over the world .他们的长相虽然有天壤之别,但他们俩都赢得了全世界年轻人的喜爱。(P36) 点拨: win the heart of sb .意为"赢得某人的心"。如: She has won the hearts of people in her home town .她已经赢得了家乡人的心。 拓展:(1) learn .. by heart 意为"背诵……"。如: Can you learn the three poems by heart 你能背诵这三首诗吗? (2) put one ' s heart into sth .意为"全身心地做某事"。如: You should put your heart into the work and finish it on time . 你应该把全部精力放到工作上,并按时完成它。(3) lose heart 意为"失去信心"。如: Don ' t lose heart . Everything will be OK .别灰心。一切都会好的。 【例2】 He leads a group of monkeys against the Emperor of Heaven and his men .他带领一群猴子对抗玉皇大帝和他的手下。(P36) 点拨: lead 动词,意为"领导;率领"。如: Some people say she is too old to lead the country . 有人说她年纪太大,领导不了这个国家。 拓展:(1) lead to 意为"导致,造成"。如: Smoking can lead to lung disease . 吸烟会导致肺病。 (2) lead sb . to do sth .意为"引导某人做某事"。如: Some ads lead you to buy something you don ' t need .一些广告引导你购买一些你不需要的东西。 (3) lead a ... life 意为"过着……生活"。如: The old man leads a happy life . 这个老人过着快乐的生活。 【例3】 They always expect to see more Monkey King cartoons .他们总期待着观看更多的美猴王动画片。(P36) 点拨: expect 动词,意为"期盼;等待",后接动词不定式,即: expect to do sth .。如: I didn ' t expect to find you here .我没料到在这里找到你。 如果需要,其后还可接不定式的复合结构,即: expect sb . to do sth .。如: He expected her to go with him .他期望她同他一起去。 拓展:(1) expect 是及物动词,其后可以直接跟名词。如: We should not expect success overnight .我们不应该期望一夜之间成功。 (2) expect 还可表示"预计,预料"。如: I expect that I will be back on Sunday .我预计星期日回来。 (3) expect 后可接 that 从句,若从句谓语为否定意义,而主语是第一人称( I, we )时、注意否定前移到主句谓语动词前。如; I don ’ t expect that he will do such a thing 我预料他不会做出这种事来。 【例4】 He has been popular for over eighty years ever since the artist Herge invented him in 1929.自从画家艾尔热于1929年创作他(丁丁)以来,他(丁丁)已经流行了80多年。(P36) 点拨: invent 动词,意为"发明;创造”、指发明或或创造出客观上并不存在的东西。如: Maybe someone will invent an engine thal uses water or sunlight in the future . 也许将来会有人发明 ... ...

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