
Unit 7 Films Grammar 语法课件 牛津译林版九年级英语上册 (共22张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:25次 大小:3436428Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Unit 7 Grammar a happy boy   a boy who is happy Task 1: Look at the expressions below and tell the differences between them. the long fence  the fence which is long  1. Lead in Painting the fence is a hard task. Tom finished the task which his aunt gave him. 形容词作定语修饰task 句子作定语修饰task 2. Grammar Discovery 1 2 1.什么是定语? 1.什么是定语? 定语,简单来说就是一个形容词,它的作用就相当于形容词的作用,用来修饰名词或者代词。 美味的胡萝卜 delicious carrots 优秀的警察 excellent police 2.什么是定语从句? 2.什么是定语从句? 定语从句,就是从句在主句中充当定语成分。也就是从一个词变成了一个从句,同样起到形容词的作用,用来修饰名词或者代词的句子。 Those are oranges that I bought for kids. 定语从句,在句中作用相当于形容词,修饰其前面的名词oranges 3.定语从句的构成? Tom Sawyer is a smart boy. Tom Sawyer paints the fence. Tom Sawyer is a smart boy who/that paints the fence. Task 1 : Combine the two sentences. Grammar Discovery 主句 从句 先行词 关系词 被修饰的名词叫先行词,引起定语从句的词叫引导词 Tom Sawyer is a smart boy who/that paints the fence. Task2: Speak out the structure of the sentence. Grammar Discovery 1 2 Tom thought of the games which/that he wanted to play. 先行词 关系代词 定语从句 规则一:关系代词的判断与用法: 如果先行词是指人,关系代词可用who/that 如果先行词是指物,关系代词可用which/that Grammar Discovery She is the girl ( _____gave a speech to the whole grade last month). I study in the school (_____ is near the Baoan Stadium. The book (_____ I bought yesterday ) is useful. The girl (_____ he saved) is a student in our school. who / that which / that which / that / 不填 who /that / 不填 /whom 规则二: 如果先行词在从句中作宾语,引导词可以省略 girl在从句中做主语,who不可省略 school在从句中做主语,which不可省略 book在从句中做宾语,which可省略 girl在从句中做宾语,who可省略 确定关系代词引导的先行词在从句中的成分 先行词 在从句中作主语 在从句中作宾语 人 物 who, that which, that, 省略 which, that who, that, 省略 规则三: 当先行词是人,并在从句中作宾语,引导词还可以用whom The book (_____ I bought yesterday ) is useful. The girl (_____ he saved) is a student in our school. which / that who /that / 不填 /whom / 不填 1.The boy _____ father teaches us is my good friend. 2. I want to buy the book_____ cover is red. 3. The girl _____hair is brown is clever. whose whose whose 规则四: 当先行词与定语从句里的名词有所属关系,则用whose 引导定语从句 This is the boy _____ gave Tom a kite. This is the kite _____ Billy Fisher gave Tom. This is the boy _____ offered Tom two toy soldiers. who / that which / that / - who / that Task1:Here are some more pictures about the story on page 99. Describe the pictures by adding who, which or that. Grammar exercises 1 2 3 These are the toy soldiers _____ Johnny Miller gave Tom. This is the woman _____ looks after Tom. This is the fence _____ Tom’s friends painted. which / that / - who / that which / that / - 4 5 6 The conc ... ...

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