

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:高中素材 查看:16次 大小:18040033Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    七校联盟2024年第一学月联考 高三英语答案 1-5 CBABA 6-10 BCCBA 11-15 BCAAB 16-20 CCAAB 21-23 BCD 24-27 DBAC 28-31DBCD 32-35 CBAA 36-40 FCBGE 41-55 DBCAC BDACB CBDDA 56. what 57. traditionally 58. passing 59. selected 60. and 61. is designed 62. circulation 63. have piloted 64. to/among 65. the 写作: 第一节 Dear Jim, It’s great to hear from you! As you want to give a gift with Chinese characteristics to your mom, I would suggest a Chinese silk scarf. Chinese silk scarf is an excellent choice to showcase the beauty of Chinese culture. It is not only sophisticated in pattern and design, but also comfortable to wear. Besides, there are many patterns with rich cultural meanings to choose from. For instance, peony, lotus, and phoenix all represent happiness, prosperity, and good luck in Chinese culture. I hope this gift will impress your mom and bring her joy. Please convey my best regards and best wishes to her. Looking forward to seeing you soon! Yours, Li Hua 第二节 As I left him, he said, “Thank you. By the way, my name’s Dr. Holstrom.” The name ringing in my mind, I froze on the spot. Jeff Holstrom! Could this be the cold, stern father who demanded his son attend college or never enter his home again Curiosity and doubt bubbling up, I turned around to get a glimpse of Dr. Holstrom, attempting to find some facial resemblances. Beaming and scanning, Dr. Holstrom seemed to be looking for his daughter. Speeches given, the dean began to read the names of the graduates, inviting them onto the stage one by one to receive their diplomas. Jeff was the last person to be called onto the stage. Having received his diploma, he turned toward the audience, radiant with joy. Suddenly, a lone figure popped into his eyes — Dr. Holstrom. I was not sure how Jeff spotted him in the crowd, but I could tell their eyes met. Dr. Holstrom, gazing at Jeff thoughtfully for a few seconds, opened his arms as if to embrace the air around him. For a moment time seemed to stand still. Jeff came down, smiling with tears in eyes. “My father is here,” he whispered to me, “I think I’m going home.” 第二部分 阅读 第一节 A篇【答案】BCD 【导语】本文为一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了四本值得阅读的书籍。 21. B。细节理解题。根据“Pride and Prejudice”部分关键句“For a book written in the early 19th century, its modernity is surprising only until you realize that this is the novel that in many ways defined what a modern novel is.(对于一本写于 19 世纪初的书来说,它的现代性是令人惊讶的,直到你意识到这是一部在许多方面定义了现代小说的小说。)”可知,《傲慢与偏见》是一部在许多方面定义了现代小说的小说,由此可知,《傲慢与偏见》的特别之处在于它定义了现代小说。故选 B项。 22. C。推理判断题。根据“A Wild Child's Guide to Endangered Animals”部分关键句“Highlighting the difficulty of 43endangered species from around the world, the book takes readers on a trip through freshwater, oceans, forests, mountains, deserts, grasslands and wetlands while learning about rare and well-known animals and their ha ... ...

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