
2024 届高考英语必考预测模拟题精选:阅读理解之说明文(含解析)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:90次 大小:259364Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    阅读理解 (说明文) 1.(2024 届 ·广西玉林一模) Tariq Qaiser, an architect, is trying to protect mangroves (红树林). The trees could save Pakistan’s largest city Karachi, sitting on the Arabian Sea, from natural disaster. He comes to Bundal Island several times a week to document the illegal cutting of mangrove trees. Very often, “You can’t hear a single bird because the chain saws are so loud. The trees are cut down illegally for firewood,” he says, shaking his head. Besides, developers clear the mangroves to make room for construction. Karachi has a hot climate, and its concrete buildings and paved roads make it even hotter. Offshore, there are islands where mangroves grow. They could be the key to slowing climate change. Mangrove forests pull carbon dioxide out of the air, holding four times as much of the planet-warming gas as other forests can. They support diverse ecosystems. As sea levels rise with global warming, the trees could play a big role in protecting coastal cities like Karachi from flooding. Karachi’s mangroves are disappearing. But its numbers are rising in other parts of Pakistan. With replanting efforts, the country has tripled (三倍于) its mangrove coverage over the past 30 years . Qaiser’s work may have worked. Recently, a court in Karachi declared Bundal Island’s mangroves to be protected forests. But unforested parts of the island remain unprotected, and developers want to build there. City officials say this could provide much-needed housing and bring in billions of dollars. They claim that some of that money could be used to plant mangroves in other parts of Pakistan. Ecologist Rafiul Haq appreciates Qaiser’s “extraordinary work” educating the public about mangroves. But he wishes Qaiser would look at the bigger picture. “Only 7% of Pakistan’s mangroves are in Karachi,” Haq says. He thinks it’s wrong to focus on the losses in 7% of the country while ignoring the success in 93% of it. But Qaiser believes it’s important to protect every bit. 1 .What do we know about Karachi’s mangroves A .They occupy the building land. B .They’re home to various birds. C .They’re primarily being used as firewood.D .They protect the city from climate catastrophe. 2 .Why are efforts made to conserve the mangrove trees A .Their birthplaces meet crisis. B .They boast huge diversity. C .Their bonds with nature are close. D .They grow at a rapid speed. 3 .What does the Karachi government plan to do A .Grow mangroves in other areas. B .Destroy buildings to grow mangroves. C .Build more mangrove reserves. D .Use mangroves to make profit. 4 .What does Haq think of Qaiser’s work on Karachi’s mangroves A .Challenging. B .Effective. C .Insignificant. D .Partial. 2.(2024 届 ·广西玉林一模) It’s well-known that humor can benefit us both physically and mentally. The idea that laughter is the best medicine has been around since ancient times. In his 1905 book, Jokes and Their Relation to the Unconscious, Sigmund ... ...

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