

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:69次 大小:628813Byte 来源:二一课件通
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专题05 句型+情景交际 学校:_____姓名:_____班级:_____考号:_____ 一、选择题 1.你想告诉别人这件事有点困难,但是你可以试一试,你可以说:____ ( ) A.It’s difficult, but I can try. B.It’s easy. 2.想知道别人能做什么,你可以问:____ ( ) A.What can you see B.What can you do 3.想了解别人喜欢什么课程,你可以问:____ ( ) A.What subjects do you like B.What animals do you like 4.别人问你每天都什么时候吃晚饭,你可以回答说:____ ( ) A.I watch TV in the evening. B.I have dinner at six. 5.你想知道别人在农场里能看见什么,你可以说:( ) A.What can you do B.What can you see on the farm C.How many cows are there on the farm 二、看图完成句子 1.We are C . We love China. 2.—How many can you see —I can see nine. 3.We at four forty in the afternoon. 4.This is big. 5.I can see many in the park. 三、连词成句 1.morning, four, the, we, lessons, have, in (.) 2.see, box, and, I, a, birds, can, some (.) 3.playground, go, the, Let’s, to (.) 4.homework, five, I, my, at, do, thirty (.) 5.over, see, Tim, what, can, there ( ) 四、句型转换 1.Are these Art books (改为单数句) Art 2.I can see some boats on the river. (对画线部分提问) you see on the river 3.The boys have some fruit in the fridge. (改为否定句) The boys have fruit in the fridge. 4.Today is Thursday. (对画线部分提问) is it today 5.I can see some footballs and basketballs under the desk. (改为否定句) I can’t see footballs basketballs under the desk. 五、判断题 1.On Sunday, Lucy goes to the park with her dog. ( ) 2.Lucy is a student. She goes to school every day. ( ) 3.Lucy can’t skate. ( ) 4.Lucy does ballet(芭蕾) on Thursday. ( ) 5.On Saturday, Lucy gets up early. ( ) 六、翻译题 1.我通常在星期五晚上看电视。 I watch TV evening. 2.你什么时候写家庭作业?在五点半。 When do you do thirty. 3.在春天,天气很温暖。我们去划船。 In , it is . We go . 4.你必须要找到斑马线。 You must look for a . 5.我不喜欢音乐课,我喜欢美术课。 I don’t like . I like . 七、匹配题 读对话,从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话,将序号填在横线上。(有一项多余) A.Me too. B.Good idea! C.Well done! D.Oh, it’s time for PE. E. Don’t be sad. Try again! F. When do you have dinner every day 1.— . —At six o’clock. 2.—Look! I can play tennis well. It’s easy. — . 3.—I have lunch at school. And you — . 4.— . —OK. Let’s go to the playground. 5.—Ouch! I can’t do this. It’s difficult. — . 八、补全对话/短文 (A)根据图片或中文提示,完成句子或对话,每空一词。 A: Good afternoon, Mike. B: Good afternoon, Liu Tao. A: What 1 is it B: It’s t 2 f 3 . A: Let’s go and play table tennis. B: Sorry, I c 4 play table tennis. A: W 5 can you do B: I can s 6 . A: Great! Let’s go s 7 . (B)选择合适的句子完成对话,填序号,有一项多余。 A: Hello, Jack. What’s your favourite (最爱的) subject B: 1 What about you A: 2 B: Why (为什么) do you like English A: 3 B: What do you do in English class A: 4 B: That’s cool. 5 A: Great! A.We usually sing and dance in English class. B.I also like English class best. C.What about singin ... ...

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