

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:35次 大小:1560965Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2023-2024学年四年级英语下学期期中专项复习(外研版三起) 专题 05 阅读 (22-23四年级下·山东德州·期中)根据短文内容,选择正确答案。 Look at the photo of my family. In this photo, I was five then. My hair was short. But I’m ten now and my hair is long. The man on my left is my father. He was fat then, but he is thin now. The woman on my right is my mother. She is a nice teacher. She is tall and her hair is short. Who is the baby in front of me Oh, he is my little brother, Tom. He was only one year old. He was so cute. I love my family. ( )1.There are _____ people in this photo. A.three B.four C.five ( )2.In this photo, my father wasn’t _____ then. A.fat B.thin C.tall ( )3.My mother works in a _____. A.school B.park C.hospital ( )4.In this photo, Tom was_____. A.tall B.naughty C.cute ( )5.猜测画线部分的意思是_____。 A.在……左边 B.在……前边 C.在……后面 (22-23四年级下·山东日照·期中)读短文,回答问题。 Now, robots can walk and talk. One day, robots will do everything. They will do the housework. And they will help children learn. They will make cakes. But they won’t do our homework. ( )6.Can robots walk A.Yes, they can. B.No, they can’t. ( )7.What will the robots do A.They will help children learn. B.They will do our homework. ( )8.Can robots do everything now A.Yes, they can. B.No, they can’t. ( )9.Will robots do our homework A.Yes, they will. B.No, they won’t. ( )10.Are robots very useful (有用的) A.Yes, they are. B.No, they aren’t. (22-23四年级下·河南周口·期中)Read and choose. (阅读短文, 选择最佳答案。) Xiaowei is a boy. He’s in Beijing now. Tomorrow is Saturday. It will be sunny. Xiaowei will go to the park with his friend Qiqi. Xiaowei will take his pencil. He will draw a picture in the park. Qiqi will take a toy train. He will play with his toy train. ( )11.Xiaowei is in _____ now. A.Tianjin B.Beijing ( )12.It will be _____ tomorrow. A.sunny B.windy ( )13.Qiqi is Xiaowei’s _____. A.brother B.friend ( )14.Xiaowei will _____ in the park tomorrow. A.dance B.draw ( )15.Qiqi will take a toy_____ tomorrow. A.train B.car (22-23四年级下·河南洛阳·期中)阅读选择。 I’m Xiaohong. I have got a book about London. London is a big city. It’s the capital(首都) of the UK. It’s very beautiful. Buckingham Palace is very big and very beautiful. It’s the Queen’s house. Amy’s house is close to it. Big Ben is in the centre of London. It’s a big tower with four clocks. It’s very old and very tall. Hyde Park is a very famous and very beautiful park. The people in London are very nice. My family are going to visit London next month. ( )16.Xiaohong has got _____. A.a book about London B.a book about China C.a picture of London ( )17.London is _____. A.the capital of the US B.big and very beautiful C.close to Xiaohong’s house ( )18._____ is a big tower with four clocks. A.Buckingham Palace B.Big Ben C.Tower Bridge ( )19.The people in London are very _____. A.clever B.nice C.naugh ... ...

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