

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:81次 大小:643692Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2023-2024学年四年级英语下学期期中专项复习(外研版三起) 专题 04 语法 (20-21四年级下·吉林长春·期中)按要求写单词。 1.east (反义词) 2.potato(复数) 3.have (现在分词) 4.children (单数) 5.learn (过去式) 选择正确的图片。 ( )6.(22-23四年级下·河南周口·期中)This ship is big. A. B. ( )7.(22-23四年级下·河南周口·期中)This is my aunt. A. B. ( )8.(22-23四年级下·河南周口·期中)This is Big Ben. A. B. ( )9.(22-23四年级下·河南周口·期中)We will have a picnic. A. B. ( )10.(22-23四年级下·河南周口·期中)It will be windy in Yinchuan. A. B. ( )11.(22-23四年级下·河南周口·期中)Tomorrow is Wednesday. A. B. 单选题。 ( )12.(22-23四年级下·海南省直辖县级单位·期末)Today is Monday. Tomorrow is _____. A.Wednesday B.Tuesday C.Thursday ( )13.(22-23四年级下·山东德州·期中)_____ you go to the zoo tomorrow A.Will B.Do C.Are ( )14.(22-23四年级下·山东德州·期中)My room is _____, because I clean(打扫) it every day. A.dirty B.clean C.new ( )15.(22-23四年级下·山西临汾·期中)I play football _____ Sundays. A.at B.in C.on ( )16.(22-23四年级下·山西临汾·期中)Now, my grandparents _____ old, but they _____ young then. A.am; is B.are; were C.is; was ( )17.(22-23四年级下·山东德州·期中)He _____ fat now. He _____ thin then. A.is; were B.was; is C.is; was ( )18.(22-23四年级下·山西临汾·期中)—Why not go to school —_____ it’s Saturday today. A.Because B.So C.And ( )19.(22-23四年级下·山东德州·期中)—Whose chair is it —_____ A.It’s Tom. B.It’s Tom’s. C.No, it isn’t. ( )20.(22-23四年级下·山东德州·期中)—Will it be _____ tomorrow —Yes, it will. A.snow B.rain C.cold ( )21.(22-23四年级下·河南周口·期中)They weren’t old. They were _____. A.make B.young C.elephant (21-22四年级下·四川遂宁·期中)中英文匹配。 A.和我的朋友们玩 B.去公园 C.帮助我的妈妈 D.做我的家庭作业 E.拜访我的奶奶 ( )22.go to the park ( )23.do my homework ( )24.play with my friends ( )25.visit my grandma ( )26.help my mother (21-22四年级下·山西临汾·期中)选择合适的答语。 A.Yes, I can. B.No, it isn’t. C.Yes, but I was very naughty too. D.Because tomorrow is Friday. E.Yes, it will. ( )27.Why not take your ball tomorrow ( )28.Can you make a cake ( )29.Is that your house ( )30.Will it be hot in Haikou ( )31.You were so cute! (22-23四年级下·河南周口·期中)Read and choose. (给下列情景选择相应的内容。) A.It will rain in Hangzhou. B.He’s a clever pupil. C.It isn’t dirty now. D.Her hair was short then. E.This is Hyde Park. F.Robots will do everything. ( )32.它现在不是脏的,你可以说: ( )33.那时她的头发是短的,你可以说: ( )34.杭州将下雨,你可以说: ( )35.机器人将做所有事情,你可以说: ( )36.向别人介绍海德公园时,你可以说: ( )37.他是一名聪明的小学生,你可以说: 选词填空。 38.(22-23四年级下·河南洛阳·期中)Will it (rain / rainy) in Luanchuan next week 39.(22-23四年级下·河南洛阳·期中)Today is Thursday and tomorrow is (Friday / Sunday). 40.(22-23四年级下·河南洛阳·期中)My h ... ...

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