
人教版八年级英语下册Unit 4 Why don't you talk to your parents?Section B 1a-1e 课件(共15张PPT 含内嵌音频)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:38次 大小:9204782Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) unit 4 Why don’t you talk to your parents (Section B 1a-1e) 1 2 Learning goals To talk about stress. To finish the listening practice. Review enough sleep 充足的睡眠 空闲时间 free time 允许某人做某事 allow sb. to do sth. allow doing sth. 允许做某事 课后补习班 after-school classes 与人打架;起争执 get into a fight with sb. 睡觉 go to sleep 直到…才… not…until… Section A 1a-1c Review look through 快速查看 把某物还给某人 give sth. back to sb. 对某人生气 be angry with sb. find sb. doing sth. 发现某人在做某事 重要的事 big deal 成功发展;算出来 work out Section A 2a-2d Review get on with 和睦相处 经常吵架 fight a lot 与某人争论;争吵 argue with sb. hang over 笼罩 拒绝做某事 refuse to do sth. 任何;每一 whatever= no matter what 感到焦虑 feel nervous 主动做某事 offer to do sth. get along with Section A 3a-3c Review communicate with 与某人交流 在家里 around the house 恰当的沟通 proper communication explain sth. to sb. 向某人解释某事 介意某人做某事 mind sb. doing sth. Section A 3a-3c Review copy one’s homework 抄袭作业 担心 be worried about 把某物还给某人 return sb. sth.= return sth. to sb. leave sth. sp. 把某物留在某地 害怕做某事 be afraid of doing sth. 不再 not …anymore 做自己 be oneself Section A GF-4c Lead-in Do you have a lot of pressure stress presentation What activities do you like to do to help lower your stress play sports hang out with friends talk to parents or other family members spend time alone play computer games read books watch movies 减轻你的压力 Lead-in Wei Ming is a student. He has some problems and a lot of pressure. Let’s know something about him and help him. What should I do Listen and check ( ) the problems Wei Ming talks about. 1c _____ My parents give me a lot of pressure about school. _____ I don’t get enough sleep. _____ I don’t have enough free time. _____ I had a fight with my parents. _____ I have to compete with my classmates at school. Listen again. What advice does Alice give to Wei Ming Fill in the blanks. 1d 1.Although you may be_____ with your parents, you should talk to them. Ask them why they give you so much_____. 2. Life shouldn’t just be about _____. Free time activities like_____ and hanging out with friends are important, too. 3. You shouldn’t_____ with your classmates to get better grades. You should all be _____each other to improve. unhappy pressure grades sports compete helping Listen again. What advice does Alice give to Wei Ming Fill in the blanks. 1d What is your advice for Wei Ming Tell your partner and say why. 1e THAT'S RIGHT, I'M LAZY! thanks for listening!

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