
河南省周口市项城市四校联考2023-2024学年四年级下学期3月月考英语试题(PDF版 无答案)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:35次 大小:1490459Byte 来源:二一课件通
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四 年级第二学 期 学习评价 墨 英语 (1) 号 三 四 七 成绩 得 分 Read and choose.(选出与所给单词画线部分读音相同的一项。)(6分) )1.bird A]girl river 密 )2.water LA]dirt under )3.after A]number [B]hurt )4.winter A]ruler B]nurse )5.computer A first B]sister )6.hamburger A]eraser B birth 二、Read and judge.(判断下列单词或词组与所给图片是“V"否“×”相符。 )(6分) 封 图书馆 V 1.library x4.music room T apple Y刀 x2.tiger 5.English class 如 南脚脚 I 3.nurse 6.PE class 线 染强 三、Read and choose..(选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。)(6分) ).A twelve Bforty dinner )2.A lunch B]dad [c]mum )3. A chicken thank rice 器 ( )4.A]near B]kid under )5.A playground Bfirst second )6.A teacher ]student cool 救研评估 四年级英语(1】6131(第1页】 四、Choose and write.(选择合适的单词填写在四线三格内,每词限用一次。i)(10分), 109876543210 1.It'sl0:l0 in the evening(晚上).It's time for 2.What time is it are is 3.Where you,Zhao Shan now 4.Here my homework,Miss Chen. first bed 5.My classroom is on the floor. 五、Choose the best answers.(单项选择。)(8分) ( )l.Welcome to,▲:school,Muml LA]our we C].us )2.They have an A room. A big computer art )3.-It's time for English class. -I▲.ready.·, A s am c]do )4.Students can play(踢)football in the.▲. A music room library playground ( )5.It's7:00 in the moming.t's time for_▲, A breakfast lunch ]dinner )6.School is over!It's time to ,、 A go school go home go to school )7.Classroom 5 is Classroom 6. near to next to ]come.on .:。 )8.一▲isit -It's 8 o'clock. A]How many B】Where What time 四年级英语(1】6131(第2页)

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