
山西省太原市2023-2024学年四年级下学期3月月考英语试题(图片版 无答案,无听力原文及听力音频)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:80次 大小:8205532Byte 来源:二一课件通
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sIeAoo 1481Tuoom oul os!I H oTdde s HV 0ot2话31e0g-三三三315073g0000.0mm 1000. 81003x639115680moH. 1305.8 'y3 !I I KonT uns 'V 'I( Sunok V ' prey'v '8( ade18 'g fioqmenns 'y 'g( AIOn s!ays 'sIs Am sI SyuL 'I( 1118 8unok 'g quopnis 'V uns P50.4 ALos 'V 'I( AIoqmeins 'y 'g 'sode18 !T I'V'g 'mos ore sode8 ayl' '1oams ore syurup omos' Ays ay ur yary sy uns oqn 'uoou ay'y's 6IaaJ ITop ayn soop MOH 'I( ()2.Do you like juice A.watermelon B.watermelons C.apples A.apples B.watermelons C.A and B ()3.The sun _in the evening. A.rises B.goes down C.is ()3.The grapes are ()4.-How does the pencil feel A.sweet B.sour C.sour and sweet ()4.Alice's mother likesbest. A.apples B.pears C.grapes A.It is soft.B.It is thick.C.It is thin. ()5.Idon't1ike ()5.Alice's_likes grapes best. A.apple B.oranges C.strawberry A.brother B.mother C.father 七、从方框中选择合适的句子补全对话。 九、阅读短文、判断句子正(T)误(F)。 Lily:Touch the chair.1. It is in the evening.The moon is high in the sky.Jack and Lucy are playing Peter:It is hard. a guessing game((猜一猜的游戏).Jack closes his eyes.He touches a thing.It has Lily:Is the toy rabbit soft long ears.It is soft.It is a rabbit.Lucy closes her eyes.She touches a thing. Peter:2. A.Is it a watermelon It is round((圆的)and smooth(光滑的).It is hard..It is an apple.They are very Lily:3. B.Yes,I do. happy(快乐的).) Peter:Yes,it is.Do you like watermelons C.Thank you. ()1.It is in the evening now. Lily:4 But I like bananas best. D.How does it feel ()2.The moon is high in the sky. )3.Jack and Lucy are eating now. Peter:Have a banana,please. E.No,it isn't. ()4.The rabbit is soft. Lily:5. ()5.The apple is soft and smooth. ,八、阅读短文选择正确的答案。 ()6.Jack and Lucy are very happy. Hello!My name is Alice.I have a new book.It is thick.It is about the fruit. 十.写作表达。 The apple is big and red.I like apples.The grapes are purple.They are sour and 写一写不同时段你所在教学大楼影子的变化。 sweet.I don't like grapes.But my brother likes grapes best.The pear is yellow. This is our classroom building. My mother likes pears best.The watermelon is big and green.It is juicy and sweet. In the morning,the sun_ My father,my mother,my brother and I all like it. At noon,the sun ()1.Alice's new book is In the evening,the sun_ A.soft B.thick C.thin ()2.Alice likes.

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