

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:57次 大小:41775Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2024届浙江省温州市普通高中高三第二次适应性考试英语试题 学校:_____姓名:_____班级:_____考号:_____ 一、阅读理解 Art Gallery of NSW(New South Wales) Exhibition Louise Bourgeois: Has the Day Invaded the Night or Has the Night Invaded the Day 25 November 2023-28 April 2024 Day and night, love and rage, calm and chaos. Enter a world of emotional extremes in this exhibition of the art of Louise Bourgeois, one of the most influential artists of the past century. Born in Paris in 1911 and living and working in New York until her death in 2010, Bourgeois is well-known for her fearless exploration of human relationships across a seven-decade career. Louise Bourgeois: Has the Day Invaded the Night or Has the Night Invaded the Day reveals the extraordinary reach and intensity of Bourgeois’ art, from unforgettable sculptures of the 1940s to her tough yet tender weaving works of the 1990s and 2000s. It also reveals the psychological tensions that powered her search, through a dramatic presentation in two contrasting exhibition spaces. Moving from the well-lit rooms of “Day” to the darkened area of “Night”, viewers will encounter more than 120 works, including many never seen before in Australia. Tickets can be booked online via the exhibition or event page on our website, or in person at the welcome desk at the Art Gallery. Tickets cannot be exchanged, but if something unexpected happens that prevents you from attending, you can change the date of your reservation in your confirmation email. 1.What do we know about Louise Bourgeois A.Her art is conservative. B.She was an emotional artist. C.She was raised in Paris. D.Her art explores human relationships. 2.What does the exhibition feature A.Various themes. B.Contrasting layout. C.Intensive colors. D.Extraordinary paintings. 3.What can you do if you can’t attend the exhibition A.Reschedule the date. B.Cancel the booking. C.Claim the money back. D.Exchange the event. Do I think the sky is falling Sort of. My husband and I were recently in Egypt, where the temperature was a bit warm for my tiny princess self. So, we left Egypt. Back home, my dearest friends struggled with health stuff, with family craziness... The game of life is hard, and a lot of us are playing hurt. I ache for the world but naturally I’m mostly watching the Me Movie, where balance and strength are beginning to fail. What can we do as the creaking elevator of age slowly arrive The main solution is to get outside every day, ideally with friends. Old friends — even thoughts of them — are my comfort. Recently I was walking along a beach with Neshama. We go back 50 years. She is 84, short and strong. Every so often, she bent down somewhat tentatively (踌躇地) and picked up small items into a small cloth bag. “What are you doing ” “I’m picking up micro litter. I try to help where I can.” I reminded her of an old story. A great warhorse comes upon a tiny sparrow (麻雀) lying on its back with its feet in the air, eyes tig ... ...

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