
2024年中考英语模拟真题汇编 完形填空(含答案)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:40次 大小:296813Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 2024年中考英语完形填空模拟真题汇编 (2024·山西模拟) 请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入相应空白处的最佳选项。 After college,I wanted to make a change to my life.I became a volunteer 1. .I hoped to do something meaningful in Namibia. To be honest,my first choice wasn't Africa,but I am pretty 2. that I was sent there.If not,I probably would not experience its beauty and wonder. 3. with a group of young people with similar dreams,I started going on my journey. Lots of tribes (部落) live in Namibia,and a number of 4. are spoken.When Namibia became independent in 1990,English became the official language.Teachers were 5. to teach English,but many were short of the language skills to do so.My job was to train the teachers. Schools were quite 6. .Some classrooms were made up of sticks stuck in the sand and a metal roof.Because both boys and girls shaved (剃) their 7. ,I learned to tell them apart by uniforms:Girls wore skirts. The students had 8. days.They walked miles to get to school,often having no shoes to wear.They also cooked meals,worked in the fields and 9. younger brothers or sisters.Even with their difficult life,these children were 10. .I admired that. Getting used to the life there was a big 11. .Imagine living in a place without airconditioning (空调) where the temperature often reached 38℃! Some days it was just too hot to 12. . However,I could end each day with wonderful African sunset. 13. Namibia,I never thought I would feel great in such an environment.My experience 14. that we can develop our amazing ability to get used to a new environment. Travel and get out of your comfort environment and put yourself in another different 15. .You won't regret it! 1.A.doctor B.teacher C.driver D.cook 2.A.careful B.painful C.thankful D.helpful 3.A.So B.But C.Since D.Though 4.A.stories B.languages C.mistakes D.meetings 5.A.allowed B.stopped C.forced D.supposed 6.A.high B.personal C.terrible D.perfect 7.A.hands B.heads C.legs D.arms 8.A.hard B.patient C.honest D.soft 9.A.waited for B.argued with C.looked after D.depended on 10.A.upset B.unhealthy C.friendly D.cheerful 11.A.chance B.machine C.surprise D.challenge 12.A.move B.drink C.fly D.improve 13.A.With B.Before C.Nearly D.After 14.A.described B.believed C.reminded D.advised 15.A.college B.culture C.business D.graduation (2024·山西模拟) 请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入相应空白处的最佳选项。 Do you think that the Olympics are all about winning Not always.Here's one thing that 16. during the 2006 Winter Games.It shows the true Olympic spirit. In the middle of a huge race,the Norwegian crosscountry skiing coach did something really 17. .But it had 18. to do with helping his team win a medal. It was the twoperson women's relay race.The Canadians and the Norwegians ... ...

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