

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:82次 大小:44500Byte 来源:二一课件通
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昭通市正道中学2023-2024学年高一下学期开学考试英语试卷 学校:_____姓名:_____班级:_____考号:_____ 一、阅读理解 Explore the magic of the underwater world Reasons for visiting Georgia Aquarium(水族馆) in Atlanta Atlanta's aquarium is home to tens of thousands of animals including 500 species from around the world and more than 60 habitats. The largest exhibit at Georgia Aquarium is home to whale sharks, manta rays and more swimmers. The second largest exhibit is home to six beluga whales. And you won't want to miss the dolphin exhibit and the dolphin show at Georgia Aquarium featuring an expansive underwater dolphin viewing window and a wonderful musical theatrical performance that highlights the bond shared between dolphins and humans. Insider tips ○Arrive when the aquarium opens to beat the crowds. ○Have a sleepover inside some of Georgia Aquarium's exhibits. ○Wear a wet suit, dive into the water and swim with whale sharks, manta rays and more. Know before you go ○Georgia Aquarium is open 365 days a year. ○Monday-Wednesday: 9 AM-6 PM ○Thursday: 9 AM-8 PM ○Friday: 9 AM-5 PM (Early closing for the themed party Sips Under the Sea) ○Saturday-Sunday: 8 AM-9 PM Tickets & Pricing Penguin Encounter(相遇) Sea Lion Encounter Dolphin Encounter Dive with the Whale Sharks Swim with the Whale Sharks $63.99 $75.99 $75.99 $335.99 $245.99 1.What can we learn about Georgia Aquarium A. It includes 600 species. B. It holds overground dolphin shows. C. Visitors can stay the night there. D. Swimmers speak highly of its performance. 2.When can people visit Georgia Aquarium A. At 5 PM on Tuesday. B. At 6 PM on Friday. C. At 7 AM on Saturday. D. At 8 AM on Thursday. 3.Which activity takes the most off the ticket price A. Dolphin Encounter. B. Penguin Encounter. C. Swim with the Whale Sharks. D. Dive with the Whale Sharks. The automobile industry is spending billions on self-driving cars, but what if we quite like driving One holiday a few years ago, I spent hours being transported on trains, buses and planes. I read a novel for a while, then stared out the window, in a black mood. I was turned into goods, being shifted from one location to another. Then, finally, came the exciting section of the holiday when I hired a car. My wife Jocasta and I followed the positioning system, turning right, then right again, and found ourselves in a small town. I spoke to the positioning system, “We don’t want to be here; we want the highway.” Then it asked me to turn right again and again. With every turn, the street narrowed. The walls were so close that I had to hold my breath. Another car appeared, coming towards us from the opposite direction. The driver signaled, telling me I had to make way. But how I didn’t have the courage to back up along the impossibly narrow passage. Soon some locals came to help. One lady stood at the back of the vehicle, waving me on. She continued making “this way, this way” movements with her arms. In an act of blind trust, I followed h ... ...

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