
人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit 4 History and Traditions 重点单词及用法总结清单素材

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中素材 查看:31次 大小:20390Byte 来源:二一课件通
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必修二Unit 4重点单词及用法总结 evidence n.证据 evident adj.明显的 很明显……It’s evident that... 有证据证明……There is evidence that... eager adj.热切地;渴望的 eagerness n.渴望 渴望(做)……be anxious/thirsty/eager for/to do... 热切地with eagerness crowd n.人群vt.挤满 crowded adj.拥挤的 一大群a crowd of 涌入crowd in/into 挤满be crowded with approach vt.接近;接洽;着手处理n.方法;途径;接近 走近房子approach the house 处理问题approach the problem ……的来临the approach of... (做)某事的方法an approach to (doing) sth 在……临近的时候at the approach of... approachable adj.可接近的;和蔼可亲的 approaching adj.接近的;逼近的 generous adj.慷慨的;大方的;丰富的 generously adv.慷慨 mean adj.小气的 对某人慷慨be generous to sb 在(时间、金钱等)上很大方be generous with sth 乐于做某事be generous in (doing) sth 某人做某事真是慷慨It is generous of sb to do sth generosity n.慷慨 宽宏大量地对待某人treat sb with generosity puzzle n.谜;难题 vt.使困惑 puzzled adj.感到困惑的 puzzling adj.令人困惑的 puzzlement n.困惑=confusion 感到困惑be in a puzzle 对某人来说是个谜be a puzzle to sb 仔细琢磨puzzle over/about 对……迷惑不解的be puzzled about... lead to导致;通向 同义短语bring about/ contribute to/ result in be similar to与……相似 similarly adv.相似地 similarity n.相似点 join...to...把……与……相连 结合;链接join together 加入join in 和某人一道join sb joint adj.共同的;联合的 共同努力joint effort break away from脱离;背叛;逃脱 爆发break out 闯入break in/into 发生故障break down 突破break through 分手break up 中断break off defence n.防御;保卫 defend vt.防御;保护;辩护 defensive adj.防御的 对……的防御物/防御能力defence against sth 保护……;为……辩护in defence of.../in one's defence 保护……免受……的伤害defend/protect/preserve...from... defendant n.被告 plaintiff n.原告 result in导致 result from由于 结果as a result 因为as a result of refer to...as...把……称作 提及;提到;参考refer to 把……视作regard...as... belong to属于(无被动) 财产belongings 归属感a sense of belonging as well as和(就远原则) as well也 同样是就远原则的有along with, together with, with, including. 而不是rather than 除了other than surround vt.包围;围绕 surrounding adj.周围的 surroundings n.周围的事物 被……所包围be surrounded by 用……包围……surround...with... location n.位置 locate vt.定位 位于be located in/at/to... keep one’s eyes open(for) 留心;留意 引起某人的注意catch one's eye 直视某人look sb in the eye(s) 依某人看in one's eyes 对……有鉴赏能力have an eye for 掌上明珠the apple of one's eye 密切注意keep an eye on announce v.宣布;通知;声称 announcement n.通告;宣告 announcer n.广播员;播音员 向某人宣告某事announce sth to sb 据宣布It is announced that 宣布make an announcement take over接管 记下take down 占据;从事take up 起飞;脱下take off achievement n.成就 achieve vt.实现 实现目标achieve one’s goal 取得成功achieve success 成就感a sense of achievement date back to追溯到(无被动)=date from(无被动)=trace back to(有被动) charge n.收费;指控;主管vt.收费;控告;充电 charger n.充 ... ...

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