

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:14次 大小:180999Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    代词判断和虚词特殊情况 ( 一 前句名词指代 ) 1. 指代前句同一个或同一些物品,使用 it/they(宾格 it/them) 2. 指代前句中同一类的可数名词,使用 one/ones(复数) 3. 指代前句中同一类的不可数名词或者特指名词时,只用 that/those(复数) 难点:此时考生要注意区分 that/one:简而言之,one(ones )只能指代泛指的可数名词单(复),表示“ 同 类不同个”。而 that 指代不可数名词或者特指的单数名词,复数形式为 those。 请看典型示例: The weather in Xi’an is better than in Beijing. 解析:由于此句只有一个谓语,所以排除连词;而 than 作为介词,后面缺少宾语,所以使用代词来补充宾 语。又因为,根据句意是指代“the weather”,两地天气不同,不是同一个,且 weather 为不可数名词,所以 此题只能填“that”。 ( 提升训练 ) 1 .Next time you rely on any of these inventions, be grateful and think about the science and imagination that have gone into them and how much have changed our everyday life. 2 .He has two sons, and both of are college students. 3 .By doing this, they hope to make people forget that someone is trying to sell something. 4 .The difference between a man who succeeds and who does not lies only in the way each treats opportunities. 5 .They live in a small house, and in front of stands an orange tree. 6 .—Brenda bought a Huawei P60 cellphone last week. —Oh, really How I wish I could get as well! 7.It was surprising that in some regions of America the money spent on educating a black child was just one fourth of spent on a white child. 8 .I bet you’d love to know what daily life is like up in space and how it differs from on the Earth—the low gravity definitely makes ordinary things strange. 9 .The classes in the UK are different from in China. 10 .In many ways, the education system in China is different from in western countries. ( 二 形式主语 / 形式宾语 / 固定搭配 1. It’s +adj.+for sb . to do sth 2. It’s+adj.+of sb to do sth 3. find/make/consider it+adj.+fo r sb to do sth 4. It is said that/It is reported that/It is known that/It is believed that 据说 / 据报道 / 众所周知 / 普遍相信 5. A legend has it that 传说 6. have it a try 试一试 7. make it 成功,做到 8. I will appreciate it if + 句 子 如果 …… 我会感激你 9. rely on it that+ 句子 相信, 指望 ) ( 提升训练 ) 1 .When in college, I found difficult to get along with my roommates. 2 . I feel our responsibility to protect and pass on our outstanding traditional culture. 3 .The Internet has made possible for friends and family to keep in touch easily. 4 .I’d appreciate if could give me a bit of good advice. 5.Emergency and foreign aid was organized, but damaged roads would make difficult to deliver goods and supplies. 6 .I must make clear that I’ll always support you. 7 . is common knowledge that a thorough declutter (清理) is the best way to instantly refresh your home. 8 . is my belief that music is something that everybody likes and enjoys. 9 .The flight will leave in twenty minutes — we’ll never make . 10 .They consider better to act that way. ( 三 不定代词指代 one……the other…… 一个 …… ... ...

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