
2023-2024学年七年级英语下册(人教版)期中专练 单项选择100题(含解析)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:21次 大小:81015Byte 来源:二一课件通
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单项选择100题 选题说明:根据人教版七下Units 1-6的单元重点知识,选取难度适中的期中真题进行专项训练。 一、单项选择 1.(22-23七年级下·江西南昌·期中)I want to join the _____ club. I can _____ well. A.swim; swim B.swimming; swim C.swim; swims D.swimming; swimming 2.(22-23七年级下·河北唐山·期中)—_____ is it from your home to school —It’s about ten minutes’ ride. A.How far B.How old C.How many D.How long 3.(22-23七年级下·辽宁本溪·期中)My uncle usually plays volleyball _____ 6: 00 p.m. _____ weekends. A.at; at B.at; in C.on; on D.in; on 4.(22-23七年级下·辽宁本溪·期中)—Listen! Who _____ in the music room —It must be Jane. She _____ every day. A.sings; sings B.is singing; sings C.is singing; is singing D.sings; is singing 5.(22-23七年级下·安徽蚌埠·期中)—Is this book _____, Alice —No, it’s not mine. It’s Bill’s. A.theirs B.yours C.ours D.his 6.(22-23七年级下·安徽蚌埠·期中)Bella _____ Nanjing next week. A.visit B.visited C.visits D.is going to visit 7.(22-23七年级下·辽宁盘锦·期中)My brother can play _____ guitar and Jack can play _____ basketball. A.a;the B.the;a C./;the D.the;/ 8.(22-23七年级下·陕西西安·期中)Mr. Clark is good _____ music, and he is good _____ kids in the music club. A.at; with B.for; at C.with; at D.at; for 9.(22-23七年级下·吉林长春·期中)Where _____ Tom come from A.is B.are C.do D.does 10.(22-23七年级下·吉林长春·期中)Becky wants to join the story telling club. She is really good at _____ stories. A.tell B.tells C.telling D.to tell 11.(22-23七年级下·吉林长春·期中)—Can we eat in the classroom —_____. But we can eat in the dining hall. A.Yes, we can B.Yes, we do C.No, we don’t D.No, we can’t 12.(22-23七年级下·河北沧州·期中)— Linda, do you want to watch a film with me this evening — Yes. But I need to finish my homework first and then I _____ you at the cinema. A.meet B.don’t meet C.will meet D.won’t meet 13.(22-23七年级下·河北沧州·期中)—What are you thinking about —_____. I’m just looking at the sky. A.Everything B.Nothing C.Anything D.Something 14.(22-23七年级下·江西南昌·期中)—_____ is the train station to the old people’s house —About 18 kilometers away. A.How much B.How long C.How far D.How many 15.(22-23七年级下·天津河西·期中)— Can I skate on the lake now —No, you_____ . It’s dangerous. A.aren’t B.can’t C.don’t D.won’t 16.(22-23七年级下·江西南昌·期中)Teachers are sometimes strict, _____ they really want to help us. A.or B.if C.so D.because 17.(22-23七年级下·天津河东·期中)There is _____ eraser on the desk and _____ eraser is Tony’s. A.a;the B.a;a C.an;the D.an;an 18.(22-23七年级下·天津河东·期中)—Sally, there is a pencil on the floor. Is it yours —Oh…yes. It’s _____. Thank you. A.his B.hers C.yours D.mine 19.(22-23七年级下·江西南昌·期中)—Can you help me with my math now, Dad —Sorry, I _____ with your grandpa. How about tomorrow morn ... ...

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