
2023-2024学年七年级英语下册(人教版)期中专练 语法填空20篇(含解析)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:22次 大小:303930Byte 来源:二一课件通
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期中语法填空20篇 (22-23七年级下·浙江杭州·期中)阅读下面的材料并填空。有的答案要填入适当的内容,有的答案要用括号内单词的正确形式,每空不超过两个词。 Tigers live in the forests and they are the king of the forests. They are 1 cats, but much bigger than cats. They are very strong. They usually have a brown coat 2 black stripes(条纹). They have long tails and 3 tails are usually 80-150cm long. Tigers can 4 (run) very fast. They catch small animals as their food. 5 (they) favorite animals are deer(鹿) and boars(野猪). Today, the number of the wild tigers is becoming smaller and smaller. People 6 (cut) down many trees, and tigers 7 (lose) their homes. Some people even kill tigers 8 their fur(皮毛). Tigers are in great danger. We must stop all these things and 9 (save) tigers, 10 the world without tigers is not a complete(完整的) one. (22-23七年级下·河北衡水·期中)词语运用。 Li Ping and Liu Wen are the students of Hope Middle School. They are good 11 (friend). They want to join the clubs. There are many clubs in 12 (they) school. They are the English club, the music club, the 13 (swim) club, the chess club, the art club and so on. Li ping 14 (want) to join the music club. She can sing and 15 (dance). She wants to 16 a musician(音乐家). Her favorite 17 (sing) is Peng Li yuan. And she can play the piano and the guitar well 18 she can’t play the violin. Liu Wen can play chess and swim 19 (good). But she isn’t good at 20 (speak) English. She wants to join the English club to learn English. (22-23七年级下·河北保定·期中)根据短文内容及汉语提示或所给词的正确形式填空。 Welcome to be a member of our club. There are many kinds of 21 (activity) for you. You will feel 22 (relax). At 23 same time, you can improve 24 (you) by practicing. For example, you can learn 25 (use) skills. Do you want to be a 26 (sing) Come to our club, 27 you can be happy to learn everything. We have 28 (lesson) about the trumpet (小号), the guitar, the drum, the violin and the piano for just $ 20 each. You can also learn to sing, or to dance for $ 25 each. Do you like art Then you can be 29 our club, too. It’s just for $ 30 each! Please be in a 30 (快点) to join us! (22-23七年级下·山东济宁·期中)根据短文内容和所给的英文提示填入适当的词或词的正确形式。 Today is the Dragon Boat Festival. Liangliang’s family are at home in Guangzhou. His mom and aunt 31 (make) zongzi. But Liangliang is now studying in the United States. He is living with an 32 (America) family in New York. There isn’t a Dragon Boat Festival in the US, so it’s like any other night for him. He 33 (miss) his family and he is now talking on the phone to his parents in Guangzhou. He 34 (say) on the phone that he wished to have his 35 (mom) delicious zongzi. Yes, “No place like home”. Do you think so (22-23七年级下·山东济宁·期中)根据短文内容和所给的英文提示填入适当的词或词的正确形式。 How do you get to school For many students, it is easy to get to school. You can walk or ride 36 bike to school. You can go ... ...

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