

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:21次 大小:29413Byte 来源:二一课件通
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期中易错单词变形100题 (Unit 1-4) 1.(22-23七年级下·江苏南京·期中)Nanjing Museum (welcome) millions of young visitors every year. 2.(22-23七年级下·江苏南京·期中)In many (west) countries, people seldom talk about ladies’ ages. 3.(22-23七年级下·江苏南京·期中)In spring, the weather gets warm and the trees get green (leaf) on them. 4.(22-23七年级下·江苏南京·期中)We are looking forward to (invite) our teachers and parents to our party. 5.(22-23七年级下·江苏南京·期中)—What are you looking forward to — (get) a letter from my friend. 6.(22-23七年级下·江苏南京·期中)It’s his grandmother’s (ninety) birthday tomorrow, and he’ll buy a pretty scarf for her. 7.(22-23七年级下·江苏南京·期中)As we all know that doing morning exercises (make) us healthy. 8.(21-22七年级下·江苏无锡·期中)Leo will bring his wife to the party if other workmates bring (they). 9.(21-22七年级下·江苏无锡·期中)Those exchange students are looking forward to (raise) cows on the farm some day. 10.(21-22七年级下·江苏扬州·期中)How many are there in that post office (postman) 11.(21-22七年级下·江苏无锡·期中)Shelly is kind and she always (share) her food with other children. 12.(21-22七年级下·江苏无锡·期中)Volunteers in the Beijing Winter Olympics were all (friend) to players. 13.(21-22七年级下·江苏无锡·期中)Please look left and right before walking (cross) the road. 14.(22-23七年级下·江苏南京·期中)I like Nanjing very much because people here are very (help). 15.(22-23七年级下·江苏南京·期中)Simon is looking forward to (go) on a school trip to Laoshan National Forest Park. 16.(22-23七年级下·江苏南京·期中)Millie (hear) strange sounds in the school library yesterday afternoon. 17.(22-23七年级下·江苏南京·期中)Tomorrow will be my sister’s (twelve) birthday and we’ll have a party to celebrate it. 18.(22-23七年级下·江苏南京·期中)Don’t go near lions because they are (danger). 19.(21-22七年级下·江苏扬州·期中) (row) a boat is fun. We can take him to the lake. 20.(22-23七年级下·江苏南京·期中)I live on the (eight) floor. To keep healthy, I walk upstairs. 21.(21-22七年级下·江苏盐城·期中)How (bad) he is ill! You should take him to the hospital at once. 22.(21-22七年级下·江苏盐城·期中)For cooking in the wild, Wilson took a box of (match) with himself. 23.(21-22七年级下·江苏盐城·期中)Jane looked carefully at (she) in the mirror(镜子) before she went outside. 24.(21-22七年级下·江苏盐城·期中)Before (enter) the supermarket, you should scan the code during the COVID-19 outbreak. 25.(22-23七年级下·江苏南京·阶段练习) (fix) the washing machine before work is important. 26.(21-22七年级下·江苏扬州·期中)You don’t need to worry about (fix) your broken bike. Mr. Zhang can help you. 27.(22-23七年级下·江苏扬州·阶段练习)The Eiffel Tower is the most famous building in (French). 28.(22-23七年级下·江苏泰州·阶段练习)I told the children (not go) out and stay at home. 29.(22-23七年级下 ... ...

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