
2024届辽宁省协作校高三下学期第一次模拟考试英语试题(PDF版含解析 无听力音频 含听力原文)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:90次 大小:1691424Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    discusses why one person can overcome multiple challenges and crises at the same time while another failed. Resilience:The Science of Mastering Life's Greatest Challenges-Steven Southwick, Dennis Chamney,and Jonathan DePierro Now in its third edition,this in-depth and valuable book will become a fundamental resilience resource to be revisited repeatedly.Steven Southwick,Dennis Charney,and Jonathan DePierro offer deep insight into resilience as a complex product of genetic,biological,social,and psychological factors. Resilience:A Practical Guide for Coaches-Carole Pemberton While this is a relatively short book at less than 200 pages,resilience coach Carole Pemberton packs a great deal of practical and helpful information in it on how to coach clients to overcome difficulties and achieve their potential. The Resilience Club:Daily Success Habits of Long-Term High Performers-Angela Armstrong As a strategic leadership partner,Angela Armstrong supports leaders in delivering sustainable high performance using a series of resilience habits.She believes that with the right tools and mindset,we can deal with life's challenges and say yes to the exciting opportunities that present themselves.Her goal is for clients to develop a balanced set of resilience habits that support managing and handling both challenges and opportunities as they arise. 21.Of the four books,which book is worth rereading A.Developing Resilience:A Cognitive-Behavioral Approach B.Resilience:The Science of Mastering Life's Greatest Challenges C.Resilience:A Practical Guide for Coaches D.The Resilience Club:Daily Success Habits of Long-Term High Performers 22.What made Angela Armstrong's book stand out A.Focusing on building resilience through daily habits. B.Analyzing the possible reasons for potential failure. C.Updating relevant information of biological factors. D.Offering valuable suggestions on addressing pressure. 23.What do the four books have in common A.They have three coauthors. B.They are based on examples. C.They share the same theme. D.They adopt common methods B In August 2022,Don Powell from Orchard Lake Village,Michigan,found a wooden doll( )couple,Mary and Shelley,inside his custom-designed mailbox.Initially assuming it was a mistake,he left them there out of curiosity.Over time,the dolls'living space expanded with the addition of furniture like a bed,a painting and a stove.Don responded humorously,requesting a refrigerator.A year later,the dolls still reside there,amusing neighbors who follow updates on the local Nextdoor page. The Powells had paid a local craftsman()$250 to create a mailbox that looked like their house,which included windows and solar-powered ceiling lights.This mailbox provided a large and bright space for the growing collection of doll furnishings. Despite potential fines for non-postage items in mailboxes,Don didn't consider removing the dolls,as the mail carrier found it amusing and it didn't stop mail delivery.The Powells regularly discovered new ... ...

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