
Module 5 Cartoons Unit 2课件+单元整体分析+教学设计(外研八下)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:71次 大小:30977973Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit2 Tintin has been popular for over eighty years. Module 5 Cartoons 外研版八年级下册 Content Learning objectives 01 Lead-in 02 Pre-reading 03 04 05 Assessment 06 Group work 05 Homework 06 Reading After-reading Learning objectives 1.获取、梳理、概括文章五个卡通人物的信息。 2.分析中西方卡通英雄人物的异同,推理卡通人物背后的创作意义,分析与评价他们的行为。 3.分析文章结构,确定写作要点,运用到写作中。 Lead-in In the 5th English Festival, there is a competition of designing a new school cartoon image. We will hold a selection activity to choose the best one. We should plan a new school cartoon image. Make an ID card of cartoon image. What content does an English ID card include Review What can we talk about to introduce a cartoon hero name ability appearance character I like....best/My favourite cartoon is ..... Because .... We can learn that .... Introduce your favourite cartoon Skimming Skim to find out the topic of the passage. Scan to find out the cartoon heroes mentioned. Skimming Cartoon heroes Shrek Nemo Monkey king Tintin Snoopy Cartoons Havoc in Heaven Finding Nemo Shrek Peanuts The adventures of Tintin Skimming 1.Which sentence can best summarise the passage a) Cartoon heroes are popular all over the world,and some are more than eighty years old. b) The most popular cartoons come out as books and not as films. c) Many children read cartoons today. d) Many foreign cartoons have become very popular in China. Choose and match the cartoons with the paragraphs. Scanning Read the passage and complete the notes. Nemo and Shrek 1. Nemo is a cute _____fish and Shrek is an _____ green man. They look very different. 2. Both Nemo and Shrek have _____young people all over the world. the Monkey King 3. He is the hero of a story called_____. 4. He ____ a group of monkeys against the Emperor of Heaven and his men. Tintin 5. The artist Herge _____him in 1929. 6. Fans have bought about 200 million _____ of Tintin’s stories in more than fifty languages. Snoopy 7. He lives in his own _____ world and finds real life hard to understand. 8. Charles Schulz drew the cartoons to _____ older people as well as children. won the hearts of 1.What does “win the hearts of” mean A: become popular with. B: People don’t love them. 2.Pleasant Goat has become popular with the people all over China.(改为同义句 ) Pleasant Goat has won the hearts of the people all over China. copies A: 册,本 B:抄袭 find sth.+形+to do 1. Cartoon heroes — even Shrek, the _____ green man — are everywhere, on desks, _____ and computer screens. 2. The Monkey King _____ a group of monkeys against the Emperor of Heaven and his men. 3. Hergé _____ Tintin and his stories have sold about 200 million _____. 4. Snoopy lives in a(n) _____world. Charles Schulz created Snoopy and his friends to _____ older people as well as children. copy invent lead private satisfy schoolbag ugly ugly schoolbags leads invented copies private satisfy S ... ...

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