
四川省绵阳市三台中学2023-2024学年高一下学期3月月考英语试题(PDF版含解析 无听力音频 无听力原文)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:19次 大小:3669890Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Approxmate ticket fares:There are r kinds of tikeed ind for commo seats and ysals.The presro yer seat. Jetfoil(水翼喷射船)Transport Passengers also can take a jetfoil:a five-star Premier Jetfoil with luxurious() services of high quality coming and going among Macau.Hong Kong and Hon Kong ationrrand theofmforeacoueiso5mu Service time and departure interval:The jetfoil departs every 1 hour from8:00-22:00. Approximate ticket fares:The common seat for day sailing is 250-320 yuan per person. The luxury seat for day sailing is 450-560 yuan per person. 21.What are the helicopter passengers required to do A.Arrive at least a quarter earlier. B.Check the departure time online. C.Choose the kind of seat on the spot. D.Pay for an extra insurance fee. 22.What is the advantage of jetfoil transport over the other two A.The length of time. B.The price of tickets. C.Its comfort level. D.The frequency of transportation. 23.Where is the text probably taken from A.A travel website. B.A travel diary. C.A textbook. D.A science report. B When we drove throuh a twenty-foot-all fence and enered the konjma Camp in central Namibia.the first question oour minds as whether the fenee was beingused keep animals nu.Our guidequiThe onCmprkth the frcat Foundation that acepsohereorge ofno that frstgh,we heard gros()mourhouse Ho close we were!hope nobody The next day of urAfe rip sared hjom ou the fenesrd left the gate open. one o trackmother leopard (der the ude had seen ted 第4质,共2更

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