

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:23次 大小:833713Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2023-2024学年度七年级下期第一次定时作业 A.At 6:30. B.Al:00. C.At7:30 18.What does Gina do from 8:00 amto9:50 a.m. A.Helps her mother make breakfast. 第【(共95分) B.Does her bomework 1.听力测试,(在小题15分,共30分) C.Goes to a store with her mother. 第一节情设反应, 19.What sport do Gina and her frieod play in the afteroon 听一道。积君你所听到的句子,从A,B,C三个进项中妾出最恰当的答语 A.Soccer. C.Tennis 20.What docs Gina do after din 1 A She can.play the piano. B.He can dsnce. C.Yes,she can. B2.A.I don't think of it. B.It's interesting C.I take a train. A.She takes a walk B.She takes a shower. C.She watches TV. 3.A.I go there by bus. B.No,Idon't.I'mate cber at No.5 Middle Sehool Ⅱ.单项迹择。(每小显1分共10分) C.My radio show is at 6 o'clock. 从A、B、C、D四个远中选出一个能填入相应空格内的最佳答案,并把答题卡上 4.A.About 5 kilometers. 对应题目的客案标号涂鼎。 B.By No.10 bus. 21.-Does your father go to work by car -No,be etimes takes 5.A味e can go there by ca he:a B.卢e C.a:the D.A/ B.It's not far from here. 22 do the students get to schol C.It's good exercise. The 7x30. 6.A.A15:00am. B.At 7:00 p.m. C.It's so early. B in:on C.at at D.fors in 二节对话理好 23.John but he can d ates 听一流。,樱据你所听到的对话和问恩,从A、B、C三个迹项中选出正确答案。 24的 vith;at os(危险的 D.a with 7.A.The sports chub. B.The art club. C.The music club. A.plas y口 8.A.Ma B.Jim 5 D.to play go to school in my father's car,because my father has no time to drive me to 9.A.Jack's ded. B.Jack's mom. 10 A.Rums. B.Does Chinese kang fu. C.Takes a walk. B.sometimes Calways )A.One kilometer. B.Eight kilometers. C.Nine kilomelers. 26 m cabe te 17 A She takrs a hus B.She rides a bike C.She walks to school. 2途s B.wel! C.happily D.badly 第三节长对话理解 on and. e is happy D.3 vears old 听两脑,银器你所听到的长对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案: A.3 year old B.3-year-old .3-years-old to the old people and _them stories in your free time 听第一材料。回舍第3和14小恩, 28C知00 一Yes,of course 13.What time does Peter have breakfast A,yal上 B.talk'tell C.neak:tel】 D.talk;speak AA16:00. B.A17:00 C.A8:00 29.一How many Chinese players(运动员)are there in the2012 London C]ympics(类运会)? 14.What does Anna usually do at 7:30 in the evening -About A.Do 6 Watcbes TV. C.Goes to bod. A.three hurdred B.hree burd山eds 听第二段材料,回答第15和16小题。 C.three hupdred of D.hree hundre地of 15.Where does Peter live does it to scbool B.Near school. -About 15 minntes B.How far C.How D.How much C,n a hote(旅店 L完形填空.(每小题1.5分共15分) 6.How ong docs it tnke Gn0g鲜oto0]帕co2 B.About twenty mines 根据短文内容,从A,B、C、D四个选项中选出一个能填入相应空格内的最佳答案 C.About thirty minutes. 并把答既卡上对应瑶日的答案标号涂用, 第四节短文退解。 Jack gets up at 5:30 this moring He and his mom need to leave home very 31 and 斯两追。根指你所所到的短文内容,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正答案, take the firs时32_o the airport(机场)33_vill take a trip..Thev can't be late_34 -17.When does Gina get up this ... ...

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