

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:75次 大小:19947394Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    新都24年一诊英语答案 A卷 1-5:BABCA 6-10:BEDCA 11-15:AACCB 16-20:CACBA 21-25:ABABC 26:Avoid regrets 27:beginning 28.help relax to 29.Think twice 30.improve 31-35:ABCCB 36-40:CBBAA 41-45:CDABE 46-50:BBACC 51-55:ABACC 56-60:BCCCA 61-65:BAABA 66-70:ABCBB 71-75:CBCBB B卷 首字母填空 instruments 2. brave 3.completely 4.divided 5.preparing 二、完成对话 1. shared 2. somewhere 3. honest 4.landed 5.seem 6.attention 7.whether 8.Besides 9.games 10.locations 三、 1.shocked 2.gradually 3. explanation 4.touching 5.performance 6.challenging 7.scientific 8.health 9.communication 10.without 四、BDFEC 6.introduction 7.materials 8.remind of 9.made itself known 10.efforts

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