

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:22次 大小:2659654Byte 来源:二一课件通
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受密★启用的 【考试时间:3月29日15:0一l6:40】 1.What is the major funcdior.of gcneral lighring 昆明市2024届“诊一模”高三复习教学质量检测 A.Brightening a dark coener. B.Refreshing the surrounciings. C.L:ghting up the enire room D.Adding warmth and softness. 英语 2.Where is task lighting usually placed A Beside the stady mble. B.Uncer th.e kitchen bench. 注意事项: C.In the middle of the ceiling. D.On the wall ot'the hallway. 【.答避前.考生务必用黑色碳素笔将自己的姓名、准光证号、考场号、座位号堞写在 3.Which lighting can highlight a focus artfully 答西卡上,并认真核隆杂形码上的准考证号、姓名、考场号、座位号及科日,在规 A.(ioneral ighring. B.Arbieat lighung 定的位置贴好条形岛: C.Task lighting. D.Accent lighting. 2.四答运择蜓封.远出岳小题答案后,用2B铅第把答题卡上对应迎目的答案深号涂 B 黑。如马改动,用皙皮漆干净后,再选涂其色答亲标号。回答非选择题时,将答秦 In Takoma Park,Maryland,in suburban Washington,people.adults or students,lined up at a 写在否题卡上:写在本咸券上无效。 pay phone outside a restaurant several times a week. 3.号试结末后.将本试鞋和咨距卡交回」 "Once I put the phone out there,it just took ofT."said David Schulman,a Takoma Park violinist who created the Bird Calls Phone.Listeners push I to hear s yellow-crowned night heron 无一都分阴读(共壳节,满分3分) ()7 to hear a pileaed (woodpecker's call and 9 for the distiuct scream of a red-tailed 克一指(共15小题:女小巫25分,满分37.5分) bawk.Tnstruclions about how to tse the phone are in three lenguages:English,Spanish and 阀深下短文,从每双给的A、B、C、D四个设项中运出鞭选项, Amharic a reflection of Takomn Park's Ethiopian comnminity.In a:l,10 birds native to the Takoma Park area are featured. Lighring is a key design fearure in your home and deserves consiccration,whether 's to brighten In addition to being fun,listeniug to Bird songs een reduce stress and anxicty,soudics show. up a dull oomer o:you're pliming a ful!rnovation ()Here,we put the spotlighe on four key Even hearing recordings of birds can relieve uegative eotons. lighting desig layers and bow yoo can use them to capture every room of your home in is kest light. After noticing an abandoned,nonworking psy phone in town,Sehulman wondered if he Gcneral lighting could turn it into somcthing appeaiing.He said,"Ieally like the old tcuxlogy of just pickingup Think of genersl lighting as the beckground layer thet cests an cven illmminaton ( a roeciver,pressing one buman and having somcthing happen."Schultan bougat bringing birds throcghout a room.most commonly from your cciling lights.As these are cften the main source of sounds to the abandoned phone was a way to add s bit of nature to the neighborhood. light for a room.it's wise to have fleaible optiuns depending on the time of day.or desired Takoma Patk city officials agreed.and they budgeted S5,000 to complete the project brighiness to suil the mood ad throom's purposthtim Schulm reched out to The MeCaulay LibrEry in Ithace,New York,whichag seud Amhient(氛月的ighting few dozen ... ...

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